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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 512

She wraps her arm around my shoulder and leads me in, not giving anyone else attention. I can feel the stares and I don’t know how much of what she said was heard by them, but it was enough to know that I was involved with his death.

We head to the formal dining room where the head seat has been left empty, but a single red rose is placed where his plate would have been. My dad, Brett and Kyle are all here waiting by the far wall. Alpha Reggie, Luna Anne, Xander, Oscar, Mina, Nickolas, Gentry, Elena and Osiston are all standing behind their respective chairs. She sits me in the seat next to hers wordlessly, takes her seat to the right of the Alpha’s chair, then everyone else files in and sits.

The one major difference is that my dad, Brett and Kyle take their boys and move them up the table into their former places. Opting to sit towards the middle of the table where the boys used to be. Mateo doesn’t let go of Jena’s hand and sits her next to him as he takes his place next to the twins across from me and Ava. Sam does the same with Sierra, sitting next to Jena. And even Oliver moves Lil up with him, sitting between her and I. They have been talking in low voices and animatedly, well as animated as my broody Gamma can get, since they got back. I wonder what they found?

Just as everyone gets settled, food platters are placed and Ava takes a deep breath to speak, thundering footsteps proceed from the front door after it is banged open. All of us jump to our feet ready for a fight, and then a blonde tornado flies into the room.

“I am so sorry for being late.” She moves around towards the twins. “I didn’t realize how early you would be having dinner tonight, thank you so much for waiting for me.” Lil scoffs and Kaley glares at her as she moves towards the empty seat at the head of the table. The only empty seat at the table.

The growl that comes from Ava as Kaley reaches for the chair is one I have never heard her use before and Kaley stops in her tracks, looking terrified.

“We weren’t waiting for you Kaley…” Dakota starts.

“This dinner is for family and close friends of our father.” Cam finishes, gesturing around the fully occupied table. “Everyone who should be here has a seat already. You can see yourself out.”

“But, I want to be here to support you. It’s what a good Luna would do.” She simpers and reaches for Cameron’s arm. He pulls away before she can touch him.

“Any Lunas that should be here are already present.” He and Dakota shot me a sideways glance that was so quick I might have imagined it. “Good evening.”

“But… I…”


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