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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 515

“We believe what allowed you to be minimally affected was that you were already on the pack lands when the incantation was set and complete. Your friend Robbie said something about needing to cross into the pentagram for it to take effect. That might be a literal need for the spell to work. None of you have left the barrier since you have been here and you have your protection bracelets. When you finally came for me, the spell had been tainted due to the passing of the Alpha, who’s life force was maintaining the spell. That was a mistake on the caster’s part.” Elena explains.

“Or the whole point.”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“If the spell was tied to and using the Alpha, the plan was probably to eliminate him no matter what. Now whether that was to elevate Cameron and Dakota to the Alpha position or to make an attempt to weaken the pack. We don’t know. But, what it did is make everyone suspicious which puts a strain on the pack.” Gentry finishes, just adding to the many questions we don’t have answers to.

We all talk a little while longer. Osiston has been sticking close to the whole Royal family while Nickolas has been tending to Gentry, but Reggie is with them now to give him a break. It sounds like Gentry is actually considering going through with the full mating. Especially after just having Nickolas close sped up her healing from all of the poisons and abuse she took while in Mike’s camp. I wonder what her elders will say since they were the ones with all the objections in the first place. And, I wonder if she will move her whole coven to the Royal pack or just herself and travel back and forth since she is their leader.

Witches are not like wolves. They are close but don’t need the closeness of being with each other all of the time like we do. They tend to travel and move around as their lives and training need them to.

Someone clears their throat to get everyones’ attention.

“We will be leaving in the morning, we need to get Mina to safety as soon as possible. We are all on edge right now having her here. And she is about as happy as Skylar is when confined, and ready to kill all of us.” Osiston says, and I can almost see him vibrating while everyone is laughing at me. I wonder if he has slept at all since being here. “Once she is safe I plan on coming back and helping out Little One, but before we go we wanted to celebrate all of you coming of age.” He looks at the guys and then stands up to go grab a cooler I didn’t even notice was sitting behind his chair. “I know Oliver and Mateo had birthdays recently and Sam’s is almost upon us. I don’t know if we will be back before Cameron and Dakota have theirs and Mina actually threatened me within an inch of my life if I did not bring you all a beer to celebrate before we go since Xander just about shifted in their room when she fought him to come down herself. For obvious reasons she’s not allowed anywhere near this damn fire.” He chuckles, handing a bottle to everyone. “So cheers to you all from your future Luna Queen and Alpha King.” He raises his beer and we all follow suit.

After finishing their drinks the adults all filed out and we were left sitting together in a comfortable silence.

“Finally! It is about time. I thought they would never leave. We have traditions to uphold and I for one am not missing another one.” Sierra jumps up.

“What are you talking about?” Lil asks, concerned and rightly so. Typically when Sierra is excited late at night it means many of us are getting pushed out of our comfort zones.

“I mean there is a tradition of swimming in the pool until midnight and celebrating birthdays here at the packhouse. The last time we all did that together was for Sky’s fifteenth birthday. So chop chop, it’s time to strip and swim.”

“YES! I’m so in!” Sam jumps up, ripping his shirt off. “Let’s go.”

“And Sky, tell Wyatt and Nathaniel to get their asses out here too, put another warrior on surveillance for a couple hours. They both need a break and your whole team deserves to be here.”

“There’s no getting out of this is there?” Lil asks, but she is smiling.


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