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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 517

As if my body knew I needed to get up and away from the guys for a bit. I woke up before dawn and slipped out of bed. I turned to look at them before I left and like always when they are sleeping, they actually look young and at peace. Each tangled up under their own sheet, chest bare, leaving the big fluffy comforter for me. They are both so handsome, it’s kind of ridiculous. And they have been giving me my space while staying close. It’s a start I guess.

I should talk to them about that night and figure out what they were actually thinking, but it still hurts too bad knowing they took her side over listening to reason and having the evidence shoved up their nose. I’m not ready, I’m still angry, no matter how much they draw me in, I am just still angry and for the first time in my life I am making sure people know when they hurt me. I’m not just going to brush it under the rug and take it. They need to realize that they can’t shield me from a fight literally coming for me. They can’t force me to do anything and there is something very powerful in that knowledge. So I strode down the stairs and into the room I share with Lil to find her already dressed and waiting.

“I wasn’t sure how early you wanted to train and I figured with the other half of our girls band occupied with their mates you would go alone, and I couldn’t have that. That is the one thing I agree on with these guys.” She laughs at me.

“Did you check the door before you came in?” I ask gathering things to change.

“Of course I did. I’m done being cursed, but that seems to be an occupational hazard being teamed up with you. Did you check it?”

“No actually. I could smell your scent all over the door so I knew I didn’t have to.” I winked at her. She stuck her tongue out at me and I just rolled my eyes and changed. There’s no use taking a shower, we are just going to get disgusting.

We ran downstairs and grabbed quick protein bars from the kitchen. I don’t know why I just really wanted to get out of the house before any of the guys figured out we left. There is something so satisfying about that thought. We jogged over to the training grounds. There is a small group of warriors training. A few waved, but most just let us pass and do our thing. The wreckage of the obstacle course is still there. There’s no need to waste energy on it right now with the pups and teens gone. The pack is actually so quiet right now without all the hustle and bustle of life everywhere. I hope they’re all okay, I miss the pups the most. That was a huge motivation for getting back home eventually and now they aren’t even here.

Lil and I get started not wanting to waste any time. It only took about a half hour for them to join us at the training grounds, but they didn’t interrupt us. In fact they didn’t talk to us at all, just got to their own training. Mateo, Jena, Sierra and Sam are still notably absent this morning, but I don’t blame them. We are about to be attacked and they just found their mates. I would probably do the same knowing the possibility of losing them is very high right now.

It felt so good to really train for once and after getting actual sleep. My body feels good, my mind is clear. I really want to work with Gentry and Elena to figure out this pentagram thing. As we were walking back to the packhouse, the guys actually didn’t bring the truck for once, we were stopped by Ava and Brett. I haven’t seen her since the ceremony yesterday. I know she was mingling with some of the warriors at the packhouse after, but I lost sight of her about an hour in.

“Hey boys.” She hugs each of the twins and then Oliver. Then she hugs me. “My sweet girl, Lil. How are you all?” She gives Lil a side squeeze.

“We’re good mom, how are you doing?” Cam asks.

“I’m actually better now that the ceremony is done and your father is back with the Moon Goddess. I feel like a weight is lifted, but it still hurts.” She absently rubs her mark on her neck, which I’m just now noticing is faded.


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