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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 521

“You do not need to explain anything. Of everyone, you see me the most. It’s just a lot and overwhelming. I’ll get over it and go back to work, I just need a minute.” I wave him off and turn my back to them. “We have to handle this pentagram soon and it sounds like a process that will take time.”

“Skylar, stop. Just stop, please.” Cam says my name like it might scare me off. “Elena won’t stop training you because of your dad.”

“You can’t know that.” I whisper.

“Based on the look on her face, I think she was ready to blast him into next week. Kota slides closer.

“You aren’t being selfish, Bitty. But this is probably the first time you are telling any of us how you really feel.”

“We don’t have time for my feelings, they seem to be running in squirrel mode anyway and don’t make sense half the time. We need to handle this or we’re all gonna die and it won’t matter anyway.”

“Skylar, stop deflecting. We need to talk about that night and get it out once and for all. You are holding that over us, but you have never heard our side.”

“Fine, what is your side of the story?” I stop pacing and stand there staring at the three of them. And it hits me, I am so f*cked right now. The three of them standing side by side, Oliver in the center only an inch or so shorter than the twins. The three of them are built so similar, tall and thick, muscles rippling under every piece of exposed skin. Cameron with his full lower lip and piercing green eyes that challenge me without words. Oliver and his kissable full lips and chocolate brown eyes that look into my soul. Dakota’s mouth matches his brother’s but it’s always turned up on one side like he’s hiding a secret, ocean blue eyes that are playful. They all have inky black hair in varying levels of disarray. With the low fire in front of them highlighting all their dips and curves, it’s a picture right out of any red-blooded girl’s fantasies. I love all three of them. It’s not a lust thing, I don’t think. I don’t feel any of the body stuff Sierra mentioned when we would talk, but I know it anyway. I am in love with all three of them.

What the hell do I do with that information?

“Bitty? You short circuited there. You okay?” I blink a few times and look right at Oliver for what seems like the first time, and just nod. I have no words right now and I think he knows what is on my mind or has a suspicion based on the cocky way his mouth turns up, like he’s fighting that full blinding smile.

I blink again and finally find my voice. “What is your side of the story?”

“Why don’t you put up your little bubble, we never know who’s listening anymore.” Oliver points at the surrounding area. I just nod and like so many times with him before I say the simple incantation. Things like this feel natural and easy.

The twins look between the two of us. Dakota rolls his eyes and Cam takes a deep breath.

“You know that we have talked to Nathaniel and Wyatt. I wish we could have talked to you too, but that wasn’t possible until recently. We also talked to mom and dad about that night.” Cam starts. We are all still standing, them on one side of the fire and I’m on the other. I can’t be near them right now.

“What’s on the videos that Nathaniel has is not what we remember, but if there was magic at play…What am I saying, since there was magic at play, our reactions wouldn’t make any sense to you.” Kota finishes.


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