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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 523

I roll my eyes at them, but I can’t argue either. “I learned that when I went to people more bad things usually happened and it wasn’t punishment for the person who was doing the bullying, the person who told or the victim typically got hurt. I wasn’t going to put anyone else in harm’s way or have them disappear. I don’t trust easily…well I didn’t trust easily. I’m learning, but the people I trust the most have had my back in situations where they could have chosen to step away and save themselves, but they didn’t. For some reason I keep coming back to you guys though, so there’s trust there too, it’s just different.”

“Can we at least put it out there that we don’t want Kaley, we never have. She’s a pain in the ass but so are a lot of other people and one of the things dad taught us and we learned at training is we have to learn to deal with them too. That is easier said than done.” Kota asks.”

“Sure as long as you learn that not saying anything is actually more harmful. It makes her think that you agree with her, like other pain in the asses. You have to make decisions and be okay when people don’t like what you say. That was probably your dad’s biggest flaw. I loved him, he was more my dad than my own was, but he just smiled and said nothing. That is not helpful.”

Both twins nod. I guess that’s all I’m going to get out of them. We all asked each other to speak more. I don’t know if there is anything more wwe can say right now.

“What did your mom want?” Oliver looks back and forth at the twins.

“Umm…She actually wanted to show us the Alpha floor. She moved out. That’s what she's been up to with your dad for the last few days.”

“What? Where did she go? It’s not somewhere in the packhouse is it? We would have noticed. Nathaniel would have said something to me.”

“She actually told him to keep it quiet. She didn’t want any of us to worry about her. She knows we have stuff to do to take care of the pack. She just wanted the time to go through everything and just let dad go.”

“She actually moved into the Gamma house.” Kota looks over at Oliver who is definitely surprised.

“My dad didn’t say anything about that.”


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