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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 532

“Why are you guys being weird?” I call over from the sink as I wash my hands.

“What do you remember this time? From the magic release, I mean.” He lets me pass him and puts his hand on the small of my back, steering me towards the bed. Cam and Kota have switched spots.

“Seriously. What is going on? Why are you guys playing musical sleeping spots?”

Oliver just pushes me forward as Cam reaches out for me, smiling. “It’s my turn, get over here.”

I lay on my back as Cam wraps his arm around my waist and nuzzles into my hair taking an audible deep breath in. Oliver slides in next to me, laying on his back, one arm behind his head, the other draped across his bare torso. How did I not notice that before? I think I might be blushing.

I clear my throat. “So, we’re here and not at the hospital, that has to be a good sign right?”

“They tried, after the last time we said ‘no’ and told the healers to come here. We don’t all fit in a hospital room…” Oliver grumbles.

“And frankly, we are getting tired of spending time there.” Cam finishes in my hair.

“You kept mumbling ‘don’t leave me.’ What did you see Smalls?

I chew on my bottom lip. Still avoiding the question I ask one of my own instead. “Did you guys see anything this time?” All three of them tense. Far too much time passes silently. “Guys! You’re freaking me out. What happened?”

“I saw you walk off with a faceless douche-canoe. You were smiling at him like he hung the moon and just walked away.” Dakota breathes out. I can hear his wolf grumble in his chest.


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