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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 534

I take a deep breath collecting my thoughts and I look down at the box again. “What the hell?” I say more to myself. I only saw and smelled the Luna’s hands at first and I was so angry I missed the rest of the package contents and I want to throw up.

“That’s how we knew it was for you.” Jena whispers.

“What is she talking about, Tiny. What makes this yours?” Cam grips my waist drawing my attention.

“The rest is mine.” I whisper, just staring at it trying to remain in control. This will not make me spiral, I will not let him have control anymore, but that small part of my brain that holds onto my scared little girl self wants to fall into the abyss of pain and cry.

“What do you mean ‘yours?’” Dakota asks.

“That is a piece of my shirt that was ripped in a struggle and those are my shackles.” I signal with a head tilt. My things are nestled underneath the dismembered hands of the two unknown Lunas. If someone hadn't taken a closer look I probably wouldn’t have noticed them either, even with my sense of smell. My scent is all over the packhouse, so it wouldn’t have registered right away that my scent is also in the box. I take another breath and look at Jena. I haven't touched the box and I won’t, I will not spiral again because of Mike, he can’t have my thoughts anymore. My wolf and I just keep repeating the mantra. “Are you okay?” I ask her like we are the only people in the room. She shrugs.

“Are you?”


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