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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 537

I blink and the figure is gone, but the people on the ground remain surrounded by the velvety dark blue ink swirling just off the ground unchanging, motionless.

“I got you Smalls.”

“Take a deep breath Bitty.”

“Come on Tiny, some back to us.”

I hear the words, but I can’t believe them. I’m still staring at their unmoving forms. It’s their voices in my head because I want to hear them so badly. I can feel pressure on my arms, but I can’t look down. Why can’t I move? This isn’t right. Something is off. I focus back on my three guys lying on the ground, but their voices are all around me.

“That’s it, blink, look at us, focus, Tiny.”

“We’re right here.” I feel hands on my cheeks, but no one is there. What is happening? Is the Rogue King using magic to disorient me? Magic. Wait, what was I doing before this? Magic, Gentry and Elena were doing magic. I’m part of the spell. It’s not real. But, if it isn’t real why can’t I look away? I can’t turn off the vision. I try to pull away.

“No, Bitty. Stay here. Don’t move. Breathe. Listen.”

“Tiny, let me have some of the fear. Let us help you.” Dakota is talking to me, but he can’t be. He’s in front of me shredded and not moving. “I’m here, let me help.” I feel arms tighten around my waist and my back is flush with a broad taught chest. I take a breath in. Cinnamon. I smell Dakota right behind me. “That’s it, Smalls. Let us help.”

I lean back, I hope my instincts are right. This whole thing is so strange I have two realities going on. The one I can see and the one I can hear and I can’t make the two match up.

“We’re still here Bitty. Think and look, control it. See past the illusion.”

“I can’t” It’s all I can whisper.

“Yes, you can, TIny. We’re here, feel it.” I can feel large fingers lacing with mine and then squeezing tight, almost painfully.

“What is taking so long?” Someone behind me growls in question.

“This one seems to have more layers, multi purpose. This is one being used to control you boys as well as whatever illusions have been keeping everyone under control. There is a lot to unpack. Skylar, I need you to fight this with us. Wherever you see, whatever is causing you pain right now, look through it, see through the illusion. Find the truth. This one is for you to break.”


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