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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 541

Now all the warriors and my family are herding the rogue wolves to me. They are all confused, but no one questions the direction. They trust my brand of crazy and just go with it.

***”Nickolas, I don’t know where Gentry and Elena are, but we need to do something with these rogues. I don’t want them fighting for or against us, even with whatever spell is broken. We can’t be sure that Mike can’t take control again or that this thing I am doing is permanent. Someone is going to get hurt or die if I just keep doing magic randomly.”***

***”As long as it’s aimed at Mike and the rest of his inner circle, kill away Little One.”***

***”Super helpful, Thank you. I need a witch, not a sarcastic ass.”***

***”They are on their way to you now. We will find a way to contain them as prisoners until we know the extent of the spell on them. Have you had a break where you are? We are still getting waves of wolves coming in groups of twenty or so.”***

***”Same here. He’s trying to wear us down. I need to get over to you so you can start reversing the brainwashing too.”***

***”You won’t be able to save everyone, you know that right?”***

***”It’s not going to stop me from trying though.”***

***”At the cost of your own life?”***

***”If that’s what it takes. I was born or built or conditioned for this right here. I am a weapon to be used, nothing more.”***

***”You are so much more than that, Little One. Do not leave your Alphas and Gamma. That is an order that you no doubt can ignore, but an order nonetheless.”***

***”Yeah, Smalls, don’t go anywhere without us.”***

***”F*cker.”*** I should have paid attention to who he opened up the link to. Now they won’t let me out of their sight.


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