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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 543

“No. He needs our help.”

“He just wanted the glory of taking you into his Alpha.”

“Mike isn’t my Alpha, trust me.” Robbie groans before doubling over again.

“What’s happening?”

“The order was to bring you in, not help you stay free. I’m pretty sure taking out high level lieutenants was against orders and this would be the punishment. It’s pretty par for the course with Mike. Everything comes with a level of torture attached. Since he can’t actually fight for himself. Go with your Alpha, I’ll be okay.”


“Go. I’ll be around to annoy you more, don’t worry.”

“Robbie.” I look him in the eyes and I don’t know what I see, but it’s the same wistful look he gave me after he helped Jena and I escape the compound.

“Woman. If you stay here any longer I am going to get injured more. Go with your Alpha and do whatever superhero sh*t you need to do to stop this.”

I roll my eyes and stand. Dakota is right behind me, an arm around my waist the moment I am upright.

“Mine.” He growls in my ear

What?! We are in the middle of a battle and this is where he chooses to have a pissing match? I know what I feel and they have all but said it, but we don’t know if we are mates and claiming that I am his to someone who hasn’t once tried anything with me other than being my friend set me off. It’s the fuel I need to flame up though and I waste no time stepping out of his hold and making a circle around the three of us. I don’t know if either of them can withstand the flame, but I don’t really care. This mate sh*t is pissing me off. It’s making me moody and unfocused. I feel like a toy that is being shared and we don’t have time for this when our pack needs us to f*cking focus.

***”Bitty? You’re giving me heartburn, what the hell is going on?”***

***”Dakota’s letting his jealousy show and it isn’t super attractive right now.”***


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