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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 546

“Cameron? Dakota?” She grunts, holding on tight to Mike’s fingers around her throat.. “You can’t let him do this to me. I love you! I’m your Luna. You’re supposed to protect me with your lives.”

“You have read far too many romance novels.” Dakota says low, all his usual playfulness gone. Him and Cam move back to stand next to me, each grabbing one of my hands. Oliver doesn’t move from his position behind me. “No one deserves to be treated the way you have treated our pack members. You don’t deserve our protection. And you were never going to be our Luna…”

“We have only ever wanted one Luna, and It wasn’t you. It was never going to be you. You lost the right to our protection as your Alphas when you put Skylar, your Luna, in danger, when you put the pups in danger, when you went against the Moon Goddess to benefit yourself. You sealed your fate. The Goddess can have you.” Cam growls.

Her eyes go wider and she is crying for real this time. I don’t think Cam has ever directly told her ‘no’ before. She really thought they would protect her from Mike even after everything that she did. She really is crazy.

“Have you really done all those things to your pack? You betrayed them before you were instructed by me? Well, we can’t have that now, disloyalty can’t be tolerated. If you want to be a Luna, you really need to be better at following instructions from your Alpha. Maybe your Alphas are right and you should be returned to the Moon Goddess to start again, do better next time. Skylar, my gift to you as my Luna.” He thrusts Kayley towards us. She’s on her knees in front of us, Mike’s hand still firmly around her throat. “Her sacrifice will tie you to me. We will take over this pack and become the greatest and most powerful rulers anyone has ever seen. Her life is yours to take.”

He is legit crazy. “I won’t kill her. Not for you or anyone else. She deserves to suffer, but I won’t take her life, I won’t stoop to her level. She’s not worth it. I will never be tied to you. You are ridiculous for thinking like that. I will never be your Luna. You will never have a Luna.”

“You really should be more appreciative of the gifts that I give to you. No Luna should look down on her Alpha’s generosity. You will need to be taught better, my mother will see to that. But for now, I will show you what you mean to me. This lowly pack member harmed you, laid hands on you, so I will do what no one else was willing to do for you.” Too fast for me to even think of trying to stop him. Mike snapped her neck, I felt the bond break, and he let her body fall unceremoniously to the ground in front of us. I am speechless and just lean into Oliver more, his arms tightening around me. Cam and Kota lace their fingers with mine and squeeze. They are all here for me. I hate that a life was taken, but I can’t bring myself to feel bad for her either. She brought this on herself and she didn’t deserve to be saved either. I will need a long talk with Ava and Luna Anne after this.

Mike studies Kaley’s body for a moment and then looks at me. “I really should have saved her. What a shame, she really did have some talents that I should have had her teach you, my Skylar. Today has been very exciting, I could have warmed up with her. But it doesn’t matter, I will have you my Skylar.” Mike’s tone goes from conversational to menacing in a matter of words. Then he lunges.

All hell breaks loose. Mike doesn’t get past the twins and Oliver shoves me to the side, but other wolves are closing in fast. We have some time where we are surrounded. A few wolves try to grab at me with their jaws, but they must have some kind of order to not hurt me because they can’t actually clamp their jaws down. I use their limited movements to my advantage and kick one square under the jaw, hearing a crack and watching his head fly back as his body follows in almost a slow motion. I have no idea if I killed him or if he is just knocked out, but he is down and doesn’t get any more thought from me as I move on to the next guy.


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