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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 549

I hold myself close to him as I check in with my wolf and we try to send whatever healing we can to him. I should be able to feel any pain he’s in, but I can’t feel any pain or weakness or injury, so I am hoping it is a part of the mating process or magic or just something random to do with my weirdness. Now that we have marked each other, we should be able to take some of his pain away, in theory. I think about siphoning it and letting some of the pain filter through me, and by default Cam and Dakota. We should be able to share this.

“No! I don’t want you to get hurt Bitty.” HIs gravelly voice sounds distant when he realizes what I am doing. But he doesn’t pull back from me. Instead he actually hold me tighter.

“You no longer have a choice in that. We are bound together, that is a literal part of the job description.” I say into his ear and then lightly kiss the new mark on his neck to emphasize my point.

He shivers and tightens his hold on me. “Don’t do that Bitty, or we will have other problems none of us are ready to deal with.”

I huff out a giggle. The light begins to fade and the twins pull back from their touch but don’t move away from us. I sit up to look at Oliver. He sounds okay and has stopped shivering under me, but I want to know that he is alright. We are all breathing heavily, like we just ran here.

“Hey, babe.” He breathes and then swipes under my eyes. I didn’t even realize that I was crying.

“Please don’t do, whatever that was, again. That was so scary.” I set my forehead on his. His hands rest on my hips.


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