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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 559

I roll my eyes and scrub my face with my hands. How can I argue with a request like that? Even though I want to so badly. I want my turn to beat the sh*t out of him, but I know if the situation was reversed and it was Kaley in the room, smugly waiting for my mates, I would ask them not to go too. They just sit there waiting for my answer patiently, even Dakota, who is only slightly more patient than Sam. I take a deep breath and run through every scenario in my head, anyway to get my turn, now, but I can’t find one. I roll my eyes at myself. They are my mates, and this isn’t a hard request, why am I being difficult? It’s the first thing he has asked of me, and he actually asked. I take another deep breath and nod my head.

“Fine, for now, but I want my chance too. I deserve that much since I didn’t get to do anything about Kaley. He took that away from me too. That b*tch didn’t deserve the easy way out either.” My eyes are focused on the floor in front of me and I can feel the tension in the room, if I tried I could probably taste it on my tongue. It's so thick.

“Will you ever tell us the whole truth about that, Smalls? I know we don’t deserve it and now there really isn’t anything we can do to make up for it, but I want to know anyway, when you’re ready to tell us.”

“Maybe. Someday. Right now I just want to get through this Rogue King bullsh*t.” I sigh.

“Well then let’s go see our team and get a game plan together.”

We all get up and head back to the bedroom to change. “Speaking of ‘our team.’ I was thinking about Sam’s question last night.”

“What question, Bitty?”

“The Gamma question. I didn’t think about it before, but everyone always thought about our connection as a Gamma to a Luna, but since we are mates and you are an Alpha now, we are in need of a Gamma.”

“Even if you are an Alpha too?” Dakota says muffled through pulling on a shirt.

“For one thing Jena and Mateo should not be forced to deal with all four of us.” I laugh. “And another thing we want a Gamma line here, we don’t know if the next female leader will be an Alpha or a Luna, we want to make sure we set up our pack for success for any scenario, now that we know there is more than one possibility. I was thinking about asking Lil to stay. She’s a Delta from her pack, but she has always been my right hand with Elite Warrior missions. I also know her, Jena and I work well together. That has been tested time and time again as well.”


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