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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 561

“Is there a way for the two of you and Bitty to do a controlled burn so it only affects the house, but actually incinerates everything?” Oliver asks.

That’s a thought. We could help her with that, I’m sure. Along with the rest of you Alphas. We also have the Rogue King to think of and Adrielle.” Elena steps forward too. “Our sources tell us differing lines of information. So either their followers have no real idea what they are up to. Or, more likely, they have different agendas, but need each other to get to you, Alpha Skylar.”

“The ‘Alpha’ thing is going to take some getting used to.” I mumble.

“Everyone already calls you ‘boss.’ What’s the difference?” Wyatt asks and everyone in the room laughs.

“What are the different thoughts, Elena?” Cam asks, not letting us get off track.

“The first is that the Rogue King thinks that he can absorb Skylar’s powers by sacrificing her.” A deafening growl shakes the entire room and I’m sure the windows would have been broken had we not been in a reinforced room.

I head straight to my guys, sit in Cam’s lap and grab Oliver and Dakota by the hands. Keeping contact with three of them when I only have two hands is going to teach me to get really creative.


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