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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 567

“I’m sure if it was connected to Sam and Sierra, they would be putting on a show just to see how crazy they could make it.” My brother laughs and I’m thankful for the attention shift.

Gentry moves over by the fire and sits on the ground, Elena came though the kitchen with a book like my grimoire but this one is a bright blue. She sits next to Gentry and sets the book in between them.

“Skylar, come here please. Your mates can stay, but need to keep their distance. We need to see what level of connection this fire has to you specifically before we bring them in.” Gentry calls to me.

I squeeze Oliver’s hand, he’s reluctant to let me go. He’s seen what magic can do, how sensitive I am to it and is probably more protective of me because of that. I slowly move toward them and sit in front of the grimoire. The fire immediately turns black with a purple tip. I can hear all the gasps around me, but like always with spell work I get lost in it and everyone else around me is a blur. My wolf bristles at the color and energy coming off of the flames.

“It’s a domination spell with an emphasis on control and staying hidden. This is designed specifically for you Little One. I wonder why it hasn’t shown itself before now though? We have all sat in front of this fire for months, knowing about and feeling the magic and never feeling anything harmful, but now it is angry.” Gentry doesn’t look at me while she talks, it's more like she is speaking to the fire confirming its feelings like you would with a child.

“Is it here to control the pack, or me, or the pack through me? How do we figure out what it’s meant for specifically? Is it angry with us, with me, with whoever set it?” I ask, not taking my eyes off it either.

“Those are all great questions that will take some time to answer. But we will get our answers now that it wants to communicate.” They both start humming and chanting something I don’t understand, but the flames seem to slow down almost like they’re getting sleepy.


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