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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 569

***’Whoa! Elena. You can mindlink now?”

***”Apparently so, being your father’s mate and accepted by the leadership of this pack has allowed my magic to connect to the magic of your wolves. That is also a subject that we will have to navigate at some point in the future Little One. I have heard many different versions of your upbringing. I would like to hear your point of view, but for now you have more pressing matters. Like mates who are at their wits end from sharing you all day.”***

***”All day?! What do you mean ‘all day?’”***

***”It took a significant amount of energy and time for you to undo each spell that was attached to your flame. But it is ‘your’ flame now. I think you could even touch it if you still feel so inclined.”***

I blink a few times and feel the haze around my vision clear. I didn’t realize how hard I was staring at the flames while my wolf and I were releasing it from its own shackles. The sun has just started to set behind the forest. I have been here all day, breaking spell after spell. I’m sure I’ve had help. There’s no way I did any of this on my own. I was glad my wolf was able to tell me what the colors and the spells meant. She has clearly tapped into our connection with Elena more than I thought. Maybe she was doing that while we were stuck in the tornado figuring out our feelings. Who knows. I have so many questions for so many people that will probably not get answered any time soon. But after today I feel more sure of my magic now than I ever have. I’m not drained and exhausted like I usually am either, which is a strange feeling. I actually feel light and energized. Maybe I was what the fire was tied to after Lucas passed, since I set him free, and it was burning away at my energy stores maintaining all of those spells. Just another question for the list.

I am just about to open my mouth to ask when I am lifted off the ground by my armpits, tossed in a half turn and caught around the hips by Dakota.

“Don’t even think about it Smalls. You are done working for the day. I thought it was tough getting Cam to clock out, but I think you are going to be worse.” He leans in to give me a kiss and I smile wrapping my arms and legs around him and he groans when I pull away to look for my two other mates.


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