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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 592

The afternoon floated by and for a little while I forgot about being an alpha princess hybrid witch conundrum and I was just a girl talking with her friends about being a mate. It wasn’t until the sun was setting and Ava came looking for us that I realized we had been out here all day. We each took small breaks to grab snacks and go to the bathroom, but we didn’t leave this spot the entire day. I don’t even remember the last time I did that when we weren’t doing some kind of recon for a job.

“Skylar, I need to see you and the boys. Can you meet us at Brett’s house please?” She didn’t wait for an answer, just turned around and walked away. I looked at my friends confused.

“Why did she seem afraid to talk to you?” Lil asks from my right.

“No idea, but now I’m curious. Maybe she has information that might help?” I say it like a question, cause if something bigger was going on, she wouldn’t want to meet at a house, she would want action. I think.

We all stand and stretch as we speculate what it could be about. I feel like there are so many moving parts and people in the pack and a majority of our pack members aren’t even here. I have to trust that everyone is doing their job, but at the same time, I feel like I have been so caught up in myself and what I have been going through since I returned that maybe I have missed crucial things. The thought makes me feel terrible, like I am already failing at my job as a part of the leadership of this pack. I used to focus on everyone and now I have become no better than Kaley. Self absorbed and self important. I have to fix that, immediately.

“What has you this miserable, mate?” Cam scoops me up from behind. I know it’s him without looking or even his scent, I just know, but I didn’t hear him approach either. Strange.


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