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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 600

***”What do you mean ‘identical?’”*** Oliver asks, his wolf’s head swiveling side to side.

***”She means you look exactly the same. All three of you.”*** Sierra trots over to us.

***”It was weird having you three look the same in your human form, but you were all pretty close to begin with so it wasn’t a stretch of the imagination. But we could even tell the twins apart in their wolf forms because they were inverted colors. You all seem to have blended your versions of gray, but Sky’s right, what are those markings?”*** Mateo’s wolf circles them, checking them out from all the different angles.

Their fur is an ombre of gray, light near the skin and getting darker at the tips. Each of them has a black tipped tail and thick black markings at their shoulders going down their forelegs, similar to the tattoos they all now share. I don’t think Oliver’s tattoos were ever visible in his wolf form before though. I can’t help but notice the size increase too. They were all big before, Cam and Kota were more than a head taller than me, making me look like a pup next to them, and Oliver was wider set like the protector that he was made to be. Now all three have combined sized features. I know I have grown a little with the magic and enhancements that come with mating, but I am still dwarfed by the three of them.

***”Just another thing to add to the long ass list we have going about being mated to the princess.”*** Dakota jumps back before my wolf can snap at him with her jaw. We have gotten faster.

***”Let’s get this stupid interview over with so we can actually test some of this sh*t out. I’m done trying to guess what we can do and being surprised in the moment when weird things happen.”*** I don’t really want to talk to Olympia. I agree this is more than likely some kind of trap or test. But, I can’t ignore a possible ally or a request for help.

***”Alright, here’s the plan...” Brett and Kyle walk up to us in their wolf forms, clearly this is a party no one wants to miss. They go through what is expected of all of us and explain that as newly mated Alphas we are still vulnerable until the full moon. I’m reminded, again, how much I despise all the rituals that go along with transitioning ranked members. Why can’t mates, just mark and mate and that’s that? Why all the hoops and red tape? Something else to ask the Moon Goddess when and if I ever get the chance.

We finally get on our way and nothing eventful happens and I think some of the warriors that have the wide perimeter around us were really hoping for some action. Everyone is actually getting bored waiting around for this damn fight. We know it’s coming and we know they are coming for me, but getting rid of the Cunninghams and Mike seemed almost too easy. I figured they would be disposable to a degree to the Rogue King, but there was no retaliation, no threat after their deaths. Complete radio silence and that doesn’t track with the way that wolves work, real pack wolves I should say.

When we finally see the group surrounding Olympia, I am actually relieved. I need something to do, someone to ask questions and right now she is my target. I shift quickly and move right into walking towards her without a missed step. My mates are on my tail, flanking me in their new diamond pattern. The rest of our team stays in wolf form ready to tear her apart if she so much as looks at me wrong. What they don’t know is they’ll never get a chance. If she comes for me, she’s mine to take out.

Chapter 0600 1


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