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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 607

There are bodies everywhere and it looks like the attacking wolves are just attacking no matter their state of injury. What the hell is going on? I don’t care what my mates say, I take off aiming for a wolf that is trying to attack my brother from behind.

My wolf clamps down on his hind leg and whips her head back. I can feel the leg break in her jaw just before she releases him and we watch him fly fifty yards behind us. THat should have been enough to put him out of commission for at least a day, but as we look back we can see him stumble to stand on his three remaining good legs, the fourth bent at an unnatural angle. His eyes are red and his gaze is focused on us.

***”This is a trap for us! Jena and I were supposed to see these wolves. They are possessed the same way the wolves holding us captive were. We didn’t kill them when we escaped, just kept knocking them down long enough to get away. I think Tyler might have killed a couple though. He thinks we won’t kill them again. They are too deep into the spell, their only way out is death and you are going to have to break their necks to free them.”*** My voice cracks as I say the last words. I hate the idea of killing innocent wolves, even if they signed up thinking the Rogue King’s mission is the best way, they didn’t sign up to be sacrificed. I hope the Moon Goddess gives them a better life the next time around.

We dive in and I keep my mates in my peripherals at all times. As much as I scoff at them for their overprotectiveness, I can’t help but be aware of their safety at all times too. I will never admit to keeping close enough to reach any of them in a single jump, they would never let me live it down that I wanted to be close to them.

Wolf after wolf goes down, but they were right, they just keep coming.

***”Is this what took so long to attack? He was building up numbers against us?”*** Mateo asks.

***”More than likely.” My dad grunts as a wolf barrels into his side, sending him and the wolf locked in his jaw sideways to the ground. “This is the attack to wear us out.” He calls out casually breaking his opponent’s neck and turning to handle the one who knocked him down. “They didn’t expect the level of fighters we would have though, based on how little fighting experience they seem to possess. They also can’t seem to differentiate the higher ranking targets versus the warriors. They are attacking whoever is closest to them. You would think if they were supposed to target our Alphas, they would have all gone after you four when you got here.”

I am going to have to table the thoughts and emotions surrounding my dad having an actual conversation with me and calling me an Alpha out loud for the first time.

***”So, you are telling us that the faster we get rid of these idiots, the faster we can take our mate home?”*** Dakota asks.

***”Not really the thought I wanted in my head, man”*** My brother gripes and my dad huffs in acknowledgement.

Chapter 0607 1


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