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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 612

“Are you both not going to be there?” I look from Oliver to Cam.

We will, but Gentry and Elena want to work with us on our magic, so we will be around but with other focuses. With the Rogue King right around the corner and Adrielle doing who knows what, we all need to be prepared, but to be honest I’m not interested in being too far from you either. The thought used to make me sick when we were just friends and I thought I was going to be your Gamma. The idea that there’s a threat and you are going to be on the other side of the training arena makes my skin crawl. The only thing that is keeping my wolf calm about it is the fact that Dakota will be with you.”

I lean in and give him a kiss, then turn to Cam to do the same. He tries to heat it up to rile up Dakota and Oliver, but Oliver snatches me back against his chest. I fell asleep almost instantly.

I wake up early again. It’s nice to have some kind of return to a schedule. I have been so off for so long. THis little calm before the storm of the day is nice. I find myself back in the reading area, Ava was right, this is my favorite place, I am sitting with the dark green leather Grimiore again. I haven’t seen mine, which I plan on asking about when we see Gentry and Elena today. Maybe they have it to add to it.

This time when I open the pages, my fingers feel cold. I’ve never had that with the grimoires before. Everyone I have ever handled has felt warm to the touch, like it was inviting me to read. This one almost seems like it’s warning me off, but there is a different page marked and I can’t get past my curiosity. This one has swirls of black ink that are sharp and pointy like thorns. The paper also has an acrid smell like when plastic is burned and the smell lingers in the air, stuck to everything. I can’t decipher the words. THis is a language that Elena never went over when we studied back at the palace. I’ll have to ask her about it today.

“Hey Baby.” Oliver kisses the back of my head. “Good morning, Love.” Cam kisses the same spot. “Hello Sweetness. You ready for a nice looooong day with me?” Dakota scoops me up off my chair as carries me into the kitchen.

Chapter 0612 1

Chapter 0612 2


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