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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 614

Dakota grabs for my waist, but I turn out of his hold and aim a strike at his back. He counters and grabs my wrist. He pulls me towards him with a smile on his face like he’s already won and he wants to steal a kiss, but he has another thing coming.

I let him pull me close enough to reach out and push up on his chin. I don’t hit him, but I grab as much of his face as I can and drive his big ass back and down. I catch him off guard enough to get him off his feet, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me with him. His bulk overpowers me no question. We tumble backward and he rolls so he ends up on top of me, but I still know how to use my size to my advantage and I slide out from under him through his legs, leaving him on all fours. He scrambles at me like a wolf and I raise my hands to protect myself, I’m not far enough away to do anything more, but I am met with a shower of dirt, a stunned Dakota and gasping friends as I open my eyes.

“What the hell, Oliver?! No cheating. You’re not allowed to protect her, although I’m impressed with the distance, man.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Oliver turns towards us, dropping his hands and whatever Gentry had him holding in the air. Elena and Cam stop too, looking over confused.

“You aren’t allowed to put up dirt walls between her and her opponents, that. Is. Cheating. But, again, that is a great skill to have.

“I didn’t do anything. I have been trying to work with Cam, combining earth and wind as a weapon. There is no way I had enough concentration to make a wall.”

“Then who did?”

“I think the answer is obvious, Alpha Dakota.” Gentry says the title, like she is trying to soften the insult of him not paying attention. “Your tiny mate clearly can control the earth without the assistance of Oliver. It’s not her main skill, but it came out in a time of need when her mind and body could think of no other way to escape from your attack. You were able to easily break through it, but it gave her and would give anyone else enough time to counter or get away.”

Chapter 0614 1

Chapter 0614 2


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