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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 617

“I was just getting some dirt off of her face, that you put there, that’s all.” He just smiles and I stop breathing. Man. These men of mine and their little panty melting half smiles. I am such a sucker.

“Well, it’s my turn to clean her up or get her dirty. So just step right on back to your magic training.” They both laugh and Dakota starts to turn me around when we bump into Oliver.

That’s the only time I don’t register a presence next to me, when they are trying to and succeeding in riling me up with their ability to turn my hormones from zero to a hundred.

“Cam’s right though, you are perfect and we will worry about you no matter what badassery you can do. Never forget that.” Oliver rubs his thumb over my other cheek, like he’s leaving a little piece of himself with me when he walks away to work with Cam, Elena and Gentry.

“No offense, Little Bit, but I am so glad I don’t have to share.” Sam laughs at us, wrapping Sierra up in his arms. I just roll my eyes. Of course he would need to be the center of attention in his mates world. She doesn’t even acknowledge his comment though.

“So sweet! Does it take a ton of energy to maintain? I know the pentagram magic made you weak and almost unconscious.” Sierra asks. I see so much of her mom in her now that I have met her parents. She can’t help being curious.

“That one didn’t feel too bad. More like stretching a muscle I don’t use very often than an energy drain.”

Chapter 0617 1

Chapter 0617 2

Chapter 0617 3


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