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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 625

***”I will try to find him, but he can’t be our whole plan. There is too much going on here. From where we are it’s a whole ecosystem. We need to get an idea of what kind of supplies they have and how long they can outlast us. I think they were hoping for a better showing from Brecc and his goons, but we still don’t know if they are all working together or not. Brecc is just a greedy asshole, he may be on his own plan.”***

***”Bitty, Babe. You need to keep this link open and let us know what you are seeing and what you are doing at all times. We can be there in minutes if needed.”***

***”I will keep the link open, we always do, but you all cannot come running until we ask for back up. And before anyone protests look at Osiston and Nikolas. They can vouch for us. This is how we do this. We are on a mission like any other mission right now, this is what we do, this is my team, it’s exactly what we have trained for. I can guarantee that Wyatt and Nathaniel are doing their jobs like any other mission. Go find them and they can help you wrap your minds around us being out here working and probably give you four different visuals too.”*** This is as calm as I can be for them. I don’t want to fight or start a fight, but they can’t just come running after us and leave the rest of our warriors stranded, especially if the plan was to get me here and separated. They are targets, all of them, but my mates specifically.

I leave the conversation there. We need intel, not discussions. I know that Nik and Osiston will handle them now that everyone has been called out. As promised I don’t shut down their link, but I do shut out their comments, wish is mostly just grumbling and groaning about safety and mate trust and other bullsh*t.

***”So far, only three big buildings that we can see from here. There is still no scent that we can track. We need to decide if we should test if being inside the treeline changes that.”*** Lil starts our observations.

***”Still tracking about four hundred on the ground, but they don’t seem to be in any active state, just going about general business.” Jena adds on.

***”We need to figure out what each building is for. One for sleeping, one for eating and probably some type of office and one for supplies, but we need to be sure since they are heavy on the magic use too.”*** I add.

***”Since their wolves are disposable, we can probably assume there isn’t much in the way of a healing space. Maybe we can use that against them. Find a way to attack the masses here and they won’t be able to recover.”*** Sierra continues our verbal note taking.

We continue to stay in the treeline and move toward where the majority of the wolves are. I find it odd that they are all in wolf form here. There is not a single human form around. The rest of the girls agree with me.

Chapter 0625 1

Chapter 0625 2

Chapter 0625 3


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