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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 646

We spend the next several weeks helping everyone get settled and then making plans. Alpha Reggie and Luna Anne came out to help and I couldn’t have been more excited to see anyone. He brought the same contractors that worked on the Castle improvements. We came up with plans and they toured the territory. We actually found out that Adrielle targeted the central part of the pack, knowing where the packhouse was located thanks to Kevin. There was definitely a path of destruction that we needed to fix, but not as much damage as we feared. The guys and I decided to divide the planning so more got done.

Lil, Sam, Sierra and I were in charge of the school and training grounds. We decided on a dorm like the one we had at Elite training attached to the training grounds. We want the trials to continue here and to be an outpost for training warriors. That is one thing that I thank the Goddess every day for. Our warriors have always been well trained and we have always required everyone to have basic defensive skills in their human form and when they get their wolves they train too. I have also been in close contact with Olympia, who happened to get lumped in with our warriors during the fight and managed to not get harmed. She is determined to do better than her father with her pack.

I think I had more fun redesigning the pups training grounds. I wanted them to have their own place after all of the traumatic events they went through with our last one. I may have added more obstacles for them to have to get past in our games. I also made plans to have a dorm for any of the pups of warriors who lost their parents in this fight or have parents out on a mission. Losing pack members is hard, but warriors put their lives on the line to keep the pack safe and their pups are sometimes left to their own devices. They were some of the most disadvantaged before. When Ava and Lucas were in charge there was a home for them if a family member wasn’t available to take them in, but they had the bare minimum and I only found out recently it was Kevin who was in charge of taking care of their needs, meaning he gave them nothing and pocketed any other funds that were meant to help. That will never happen again on my watch. They will be loved by the pack their parents are protecting.

I am still waiting to hear the final list of warriors lost. Several took hard hits and bites that were magically enhanced and their healing time is much longer than it should have been. Elena and Gentry have been helping our healers while teaching me some basic healing skills. I hope I will have very little use for them in the future, but there is always some threat lurking so it’s good to have. And let’s be honest, my friends and I aren’t exactly careful when we train. Just the thought of getting back to training after years of torment and the hijacking of lives gives me the chills.

Mateo and Oliver take the northern half of the territory. More homes are on this side of the land. The elevation in the center of the pack gives us an easy divide. It is cooler on the Northern side, so it’s better for homes than crops. Dakota and Cam take the southern half, where our crops and farms are more plentiful. We work as a leadership group in the evenings designing the pack center on the plateau of the central elevation of the pack. I am hoping that we can bring back pack members by the end of the month. I have this need for everyone to be home and safe. Ava laughed at me when I asked her about that. Like having the pack divided up is making my skin crawl.

“Oh, Sweet Girl. You may be an alpha, but you are this pack’s Luna too. You have a connection to them the boys never will. They have an innate need to protect everyone, but you, you will feel everyone. All their emotions, their happiness and sorrow. You are the light that holds the pack together. That is why the Luna is so important.”

“How can she be both an Alpha and a Luna?” Lil asks across the table. We are having a rare girls' day. Our boys are working with Alpha Reggie, Osiston and Nickolas getting supplies in and organized. Sam and Mateo have figured out that their now showing mates won’t stay out of anything unless all the girls are forced to sit on the sidelines too. So here we are. It is so cute to see the little bumps in their stomachs start to develop and no matter how many looks people give me when I get excited for my friends, I am still hoping to have some more time to be just me.

Chapter 0646 1


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