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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 654

Epilogue 1 - Sky's 18th Birthday

“Why are you not ready yet?” Sierra yells at me from the door of my bedroom.

“What are you talking about? I have been ready. What else is there to do?” I look down at myself. I have the dress she chose, the hair style and make-up we have practiced at least three times this week. I had to beg Sam to keep her busy to give me some peace.

He took it like a man and told her he wanted to redecorate the boys’ rooms. Their second son is due in just a few months and Sam has actually been holding her off from redecorating since the baby stuff shouldn’t really change in his opinion. I agree with him, but I will never say that out loud to my best friend. She has been extra moody with this pregnancy.

“Ugh! I have to make sure everything is perfect! I can’t have my best friend look ridiculous when she is becoming an Alpha Luna.”

The title she has given me is so stupid, but another thing I can’t say because she will either try to fight me or burst into tears and she’s right, today is not the day for things to go wrong.

“Hey, breathe. It will be perfect. You have done such a wonderful job on everything. Now take a deep breath and stop stressing my nephew out.” I reach out to rub her baby bump. She is such a natural mother. She has even taken on the kids who lost their parents in the war with Adrielle and Vincent. The packhouse is a revolving door of children and we all love every second of the craziness.

She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “I know, I know. It’s just really important, and everyone is here and it’s your birthday and we haven’t done anything yet and I know that we always do something special for birthdays, but the packhouse is jammed full of people so we are missing out on that too.” I jump up from my chair and put my hands on her shoulders making her take my seat.

Chapter 0654 1

Chapter 0654 2

Chapter 0654 3


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