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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 656

Epilogue 2 - Alpha Luna Ceremony

The ceremony was beautiful. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the area. Sierra and Ava did a beautiful job with the clearing behind the packhouse. It’s now a retreat for all of us with benches and flowers strategically planted amongst the natural growing vegetation. It’s a nod to the small garden that Ava had for me here at the original packhouse and the maze that Uncle Reggie would let me get lost in at the Royal packhouse. We love it, the kids love it and anyone in the pack can come here for a bit of peace.

As we all thought, my nephews stole the show and I am glad to not be the center of attention for a little while. Their cute and wiley ways kept most of the attention off of me as I took my place with my mates as the new leaders of the pack. Much to my dramatic friends’ dismay nothing exceptional happened at the Luna ceremony. I don’t know what they were expecting, but lightning did not strike, the Moon Goddess did not visit us, no otherworldly tornados to lock us in time, nothing. Actually, I shouldn’t say nothing, all of our pack members got to welcome all four of us as their new leaders and we officially accepted the positions. We said a farewell to Lucas and took the titles of Alphas of the Blue Crescent Pack as a normal Alpha and Luna ceremony would go. It was never in question who the next Alphas would be, but like Ava, Brett, Kyle and my dad pointed out, our members missed a lot of the chaos and they came back to a pack that was destroyed and without the alpha they knew and loved. This ceremony was a way to bring them back and give them a feeling of control over what was going to happen moving forward. A sense of peace. We decided to relight the forever fire. That was a debate that went on for days. So many were afraid of the magic that was used against us, but in the end Elena, Gentry and I won out. Magic is a part of this pack now, whether anyone likes it or not. We will not hide it or shield our members from it. We will educate our members on what it means to have magic among us. For those of us who have been given gifts from both goddesses, we want them to be comfortable in their skin and know they have a place here with any of their gifts.

We have even opened up our pack to Gentry’s coven since Adrielle decimated the land they were on as well. They love the ocean and have taken well to pack life.

My brother finds me off to the side just watching everyone as they mingle around the pool and inside the kitchen. This is what we always wanted, full inclusion, while still maintaining some sense of privacy for those of us who live here. I want everyone to feel welcome and wanted.

“What are you thinking about so hard over here, Shorty?”

Chapter 0656 1

Chapter 0656 2


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