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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 67


“We have to quit talking about her leaving.” Kota rubs his chest just over his heart. He looks like he is going to be sick.

Sierra completely ignores him and goes on. “Whoever is doing this has a ton of control or hold over people in power, at least at the school. There’s no way Sky getting jumped daily is not on record somewhere and going completely unnoticed. It’s just easy to hide since it seems to be only her and she never reports anything.”

“So, she hasn’t told you who’s doing this then?” I ask, making a mental note about checking the security footage and understanding that Sierra might be more scary than she lets on. The observant ones are the ones to watch out for, they see things our mundane eyes miss.

“I think that is the one thing she is going to take to her grave. She doesn’t believe sharing the info will help. She thinks it will actually make things worse, make her look weak, embarrassing her dad and brother, and make her bully retaliate. Which, I think, has happened in the past. According to her, this is the best version of the situation. That she actually is in control of whatever is going on. She expects it, is mentally prepared for it, and already knows how to recover and go about her day like nothing is wrong. Something she is obviously really good at since no one, even me, sees her get hurt at school.”

“How can this be better? Why is she worried about embarrassing dad and I? Who gives a sh*t?” Mateo whisper-yells, running his fingers through his hair.

“Your dad gives a sh*t. That’s who. I’ve seen the way he talks to her and about her, we all have. No one can deny he’s a d*ck to her and we have all just let it happen, including the Alpha and Luna, because she doesn’t complain. She goes to no one, because she trusts no one. Every person here, except Sierra, has given her a reason not to. Clearly it’s worse than we thought.” Leave it to Oliver to analyze a situation to add another tally on our list of dumbass things.

“She thinks because the bully’s focus is on her or she can put it on herself and keep others from getting harmed, it’s better. She said, because she had beta blood, she can handle the beatings better and heal more quickly than any other lower ranked person. She truly believes she is doing the right thing protecting pack members as a beta should. She believes it’s the only thing she can contribute since she isn’t really wanted here. And unfortunately she’s right, no other kids are ever bullied, solidifying her belief.” Sierra shrugs sadly. Sam goes to wrap her in a hug.


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