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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 71

I blasted through my workout, not going too heavy since I was on my own, but I took all of my muscles to complete failure. I have to start pushing myself now. I need to be better, stronger. I have a year to get ready.

I got home around 6:30 and went straight to the kitchen to fuel back up. I didn’t have more than my protein shake before my workout, which was a mistake. I am starving and my grumbling stomach is agreeing with me. If I don't eat, I'm going to be sore in the morning.

“Where have you been? We eat dinner at six.” A growl comes from the table making me jump and turn around gripping the edge of the counter.

"Oh, sh*t!" I really wish people would stop that.

I look over to see my dad and Mateo sitting together at the kitchen table, plates half empty. They never eat in here. Mateo is looking at me, but his face is blank, like he’s trying to hide his emotions from me.

“You are never to be late for or miss a family dinner again. Do you understand?” My dad growls out.

I look at him confused, I can't even hide it. I have never been allowed to eat with them unless we had company. And as far as I can tell, there is or was no company. I took a look around the kitchen to make sure I didn’t miss anyone else in the room. “I don’t understand, sir.” I have nothing better to say.


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