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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 82

Chapter 0082
They each wrap an arm loosely across my legs and I can feel my cheeks burn at being so close to both of them like this.

It's one thing for them all to throw me around when we are at training or messing around.

That feels like brotherly affection, but like this, it's different.

I can't even touch the ground sitting on their laps like this.

It's the first time being small has made me flustered.

I try to wiggle forward to try and put my feet on the ground so I can take a little weight off their legs, but someone grabs my knee.
"Let's not do that, Tiny. Otherwise we will have a problem you won 't want to fix. Cam whispers low so only Kota and I hear. I freeze, Kota lets out a small huff of amusement.

I'm not even sure if I can move at all now.

Logically, I know he was just teasing me, but this is so uncomfortable.

This is not a situation I have ever had to deal with before.

My heart is racing and feels like it is going to pound out of my chest.

I don't even feel like this on a hard workout day.

And I am sure they can hear my erratic heart, making me blush harder.
"Breathe, Smalls. And relax" Kota whispers.

I do my best to sit and join in the small conversations going around the table.

There are so many people here, it's almost overwhelming.

As we ate and talked, Cam moved his left arm behind my back, but Kota adjusted so he could eat with his right hand.

As soon as he took a bite though, he would put down his fork and drape his massive arm across my lap so I essentially had a twin seat belt.

I had no idea what to do, I was afraid to move.

I have never been this close to a boy like this, ever. "You feeling okay, Bite Size? You've barely touched your food." Oliver asks from next to Kota.
Why do these guys notice stupid things like my eating habits, but can't wrap their heads around sh*t going down at or around school?
Before I can answer, Warrior Nicholas looks over at us.

"How long have you all been training together? You all move like a unit.

Even when you were paired up the rest adjusted around the group.

It takes years for most teams to gain that.
"We have all been training since we were about five. All the guys have been doing the extra summer training at the Alpha King's training compound since the eighth grade. Sierra and Smalls joined us back in November." Kota says after swallowing a mouthful of food.
"Really?! I never would have thought they joined your training recently." Nickolas replies.
Sierra snorted.

Warrior Nickolas eased my mind when he replied.
"I wasn't implying that you were untrained.

More impressive knowing you all became a full group rougly six months ago." He thought for a minute and then carne back with; What do you mean you allowed them to join you?" He gestures to the guys when he says 'them.'
"Well, the crazy small girl here trains like she's preparing for the next apocalypse.


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