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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 91

Once we get to school, you can feel the energy in the air. Something is different today. All the kids are buzzing about something. What could have happened in the last hour since training ended?

Kaley runs up to the twins who are leading our group up the wide path to school, and grabbing both by an arm.

"Oh. My. Goddess! Did you hear?" She punctuates every word. "The trials for Elite Warrior training are going to be at the end of this week. Isn't that so exciting? I heard the Alpha King himself is going to come down, since he heard so many great things about all of us from training yesterday."

“What did she mean by 'us?' She didn't actually do much of anything but parade around in her pink outfit.” Sierra whispers to me and we exchange an eye roll, but say nothing else.

"You guys have done such a great job training everyone and leading. I bet that's why he's really coming. He wants to see all the high ranking wolves in action. I can’t wait to sit next to you while our best warriors show off their skills.” She jumped up and kissed Cam on the cheek unexpectedly and turned toward Kota who stepped back knowing it was coming.

Cam looks like someone slapped him and he’s pissed. Kaley doesn’t seem to notice.

“We’ll see. Our parents usually have plans when we have guests. Not sure about what they will expect of us if the Alpha King is truly coming. This is the first we are hearing these rumors.” Always the diplomat, Cam.

“I’m sure they will expect the future alphas and their Luna as well as the rest of our future leaders to be present for all of it.” She looks around at the guys and giggles then playfully slaps him in the arm.

Oliver clears his throat. “We don’t know who our future Luna is, and I’m sure if the Alpha King wants people present he will let us know who will be allowed in his presence, I’m sure there are protocols for that. We’re going to be late, let’s go.” He didn’t wait just stepped around Kaley and the rest of us followed without looking back. She didn't try to approach them when Sierra and I were around, for the rest of the day

Tuesday and Wednesday are a blur of activity. Training remains the same and the Elite Warriors end up sticking around because they are, in fact, running trials on Thursday and Friday. The school board decided to cancel regular classes after training Wednesday morning so our higher level students could spend time focusing on getting ready and the younger kids were just too wound up with excitement over the whole thing to focus. I trained like I normally do and the guys and Sierra grudgingly came along.


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