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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 98

Chapter 0098
The Alpha King sat at the head of the table on our end, the Luna Queen to his left and Prince Alexander to his right. Warriors Nickolas and Thomas sat next to the Luna Queen and Delta Kyle and Gwen next to them. Oliver, Kota and Luna Ava finished out their side of the table.

I am next to prince Alexander, Sierra to my right, followed by Sam, Gamma Brett, Mateo, our father and Cam. At the other head of the table is Alpha Lucas. I have to wonder if we were purposely spread out.

As we are being served dessert, a luscious chocolate cake with chocolate drizzle and vanilla ice cream on the side, Sierra addresses the prince next to me.
'[so, prince Alexander, are you done with school now? What are your next big plans since you don't seem to be jumping at the throne right away?" I look at her wide-eyed. That was kind of a bold question to ask the prince.

He just laughs. "No, I don plan to overthrow my father anytime soon, he's doing just fine. And it's Xander to my friends." He looks at her then at me before continuing. "I have graduated and I am eighteen, so my next big taskis to find my mate and the next Luna Queen." He looks at me again for a little too long. I look away then around the room and Oliver and Kota do not lookhappy, but are trying to hide it. Xander clears his throat, but I don't look back at him when he continues. "I plan to travel a bit, get to know the packs in our Idngdom and continue training with my father."

"That's the taskof all leaders isn't it? Find the mate the Goddess designed for you, to make you the strongest and best you can be." The Alpha King says breaking the little tension that has developed in the room, slapping his son on the shoulder.

'[Why don't we have drinks on the patio?" Luna Ava asks the group at large once we are all done with dessert.
"I would Luna, but I have a series of trials to set up in the morning, I think we are going to call it a night." Delta Kyle stands and helps his mate up. "Sam, are you staying tonight?"

"probably. We will head over to the trials together in the morning, and no Little Bit none of us are training in the morning, including you. We have done so much extra training, my clothes don't fit." He holds up his arms and flexes in his dress shirt, which is threatening to shred any second. The rest of the guys, Sierra and I laugh. He's not wrong though.

We all start to get up and head toward the back patio. You made them all look like that?" Xander asks, surprised.
"No, they made themselves look like that, by keeping a training schedule that just happens to match mine.


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