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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 136

The Marvelous Elijah's Return by Rever Chapter 136


rotten conscience For a silent while, Madam Jewel's words made Texan's face fall as he realized the situation he was about to get involved in,and he muttered, "You son-in- law being here is amazing?" "Yes.

Because I need you guys to kill him and the doctor along with his family." Madam Jewel said, resting her feet on thecold marble floor.

"But." "If you recognized Elijah, then you know about the drama that is happening in Syldaviabetween him and my family." "The thing is - "I did not pay you all these years to be a spy in the Williams home and report back to me their every dealings just because I wanted hot gossip! Jacob Williams knows things that he shouldn't know and he's a threat." "I understand that, but-" "Don't cut me off!!" A look of frustration crossed Texan's face as he sealed his lips together, his brows furrowed as he said, "I'm sorry, ma'am." "Recently, Elijah found out something that he should not have, and without a doubt, I believe he wants to speak with Dr.Williams because of it.

I don't know how he's managing to get this information, but what I know is that I want him dead before he becomes the end of me!" Madam Jewel ordered.

A short pause passed through them before Texan said, "What do you need us to do?” "Kill him.

I don't care how you do it, but his lifeless body is the only thing that I want to see coming back to Syldavia." Madam Jewel said,her voice low.

"Do whatever you have to do. I don't care. Also, you will get rewarded with a good amount of cash.” "You are now speaking my language. How much are we talking about?" "Five million dollars for the death of the Doctor, his household, and Elijah." "Deal." "Leave no witnesses alive."

Looking back at the mansion,Texan hesitated and then said, "But he has three guys with him." "Kill them too!" Madam Jewel ordered.

"They are a liability!" The living room was quiet as Elijah walked through the doorway with Ryan, Rookie, and Matt.

Silently Mr.William watched all four men sit on the couch, all of them with serious expressions on their faces.

Four guards posted themselves in the room with them, and Elijah became alert, watching each one of them carefully before turningto face Dr.Williams.

"Sir, these men said they had something urgent to tell your son, but since the boss isn’t here,

they want to say itto you instead." A guard said humbly.

"Leave us," Doctor Williams suddenly uttered, not taking his eyes off Elijah.

The security looked hesitant at first and then nodded before leaving.

Once alone, Dr.Williams turned back towards Elijah with a serious expression on his face.

"It's you..." Mr.Williams started saying, looking down and tracing patterns onto his lap." What are you doing here...?" "You know me?" Elijahasked, tilting his head to look at him curiously.

Dr.Williams just continued staring at his lap before slowly raising his head and meeting Elijah’s eyes with a frown.

"Of course... you have made yourself quite famous in Syldavia's media for your daring and reckless behavior with the Hayeses...

But what baffles me is what you want from my son." Mr. id, sitting up straighter and resting his elbows on his knees with this cold, emotionless stare.

"I am not here for your son, Doc... I want to speak with you," Elijah replied, leaning forward and putting his hands together in front of him.

"Oh... if that so, then you can leave." "You don't want to know what I need to talk about or why I'm here?”

"I do not care. Anyone who has an issue with the Hayes is not welcome here." "Your loyalty towards Mr.Hayes is admirable..." Noticing the nervous glance that suddenly sparkled in Mr.Williams' eyes, Elijah knew that he had struck some nerve, and he could see that the Dr.was getting uncomfortable.

"Or is it with Jewel Hayes that your loyalty lasts?" Elijah mused, smiling slightly when Mr.Williams’ grip tightened around the arm of the chair.

"Get out!" Mr.Williams whispered, his breath hitching as his grip loosened.

"The DNA test results?" "Get out now!!!” The sudden rise in his voice caught the attention of everyone in the living room, but thatdidn't stop Elijah from pushing further, "How many of Madam Jewel's children actually belong to Mr.Hayes, according to the results, Huh, doc?" "You need to leave and stop poking your nosein places that could get you...

Just get out!" Mr.Williams said, waking up from his seat.

"Guards!" "You told him the truth...Mr.Hayes knew that the DNA test came out negative for Amelia, Cora ...” Elijah let out as he stoodup too, pausing to see if the doctor would finish the list.

"Oh, my God...What is your problem...Does Jewel know that you know this....that her." "Her what?" Suddenly a guard rushed into the room and a couple more appeared behind him as he let out," What is the matter, Sir?"

"Getthese four men out of my sight and don't let them back in here." Dr.Williams ordered firmly.

As the guard approached Elijah, he met the doctor's eyes with a firm gaze and said, "Mr.Hayes wasn't the only one who knew about the DNA result from you...

Jewel did, and she, with your help, ended his "Shut up! Shut up!" Mr.Williams yelled, glaring at Elijah as one of the guards grabbed his wrist.

"Drag him out of here!" When the security man violently pulled Elijah's hand, Matt jumped from the couch with Ryan and Rookie ashe shouted, "Hey, Hey! Get your hands off him." The other guards quickly tried to block Matt and the others from getting to Elijah, but Matt didn't waste time bumping into them, breaking their line of defense.

One of them grabbed him by his jacket, yanking him back, making Matt immediately turned around, his fist flyinginto his jaw.


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