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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 137

The Marvelous Elijah's Return by Rever Chapter 137


Violence it is A look of fear danced in Dr. Williams' eyes for a second, and then his expression shifted, turning hard and angry.

"Get out,” Dr.Williams spat, glaring daggers at Elijah with his fists still balled tightly.

"I will never agree with such nonsense!" "I am in town for a couple of days.

You can call me if you change your mind." Elijah let out, reaching into his pocket, and then took out a calling card.

When he stretched his hand out with the card, Mr.William stared at him for a moment longer, and then he walked past Elijah, not even sparing him another glance.

"You guys need to leave," The only security standing mumbled, nervously eyeing Elijah.

Not for a second did Elijah believe that Mr.William was actually going to be so open-minded and tell him what he wants to know from their first meet-up, but even without saying much,the doctor did clear half of Elijah's doubts with his actions.

"Matt, let's go," Elijah called out after he glanced over to Matt, Ryan, and Rookie.

With the phone pressed to his ear, Taxen paced about as he asked, "Where are you guys?!" "We told you before that we were nearby,and now we are almost to you." A husky voice came from the phone's speaker.

Taxen sighed heavily, running his hand through his hair, "Alright, but I can't leave my job andrisk getting fired at such a critical moment...

I have already told Zac to buy the supplies, and get them back here.

Once I and the others have taken care of the Williams, our four guests would be ournext target, so don't lose sight of them until you find out where they stay." "Sure.

We will be there in five minutes," The voice said.

As Texan was about to respond, he noticed Elijah walking out of the house with Ryan, Matt, andRookie, followed by a couple of guards.

"Fuck!" Texan muttered, watching them from a distance.

"You guys need to hurry up and get here.

Our target is on the move, and I am going to stall for a while until you guys do." Immediately ending the call afterward, Texanrushed over to Elijah, stopping in front of him and asking with urgency, "What happened?" A cold glint flashed in Elijah's eyes, staring blankly at him for a while, and then tried to walk past him, but Taxen jumped in his way, letting out, pushing his palm against Elijah's chest as he asked, "What did you guys do in there, huh?! Why are my colleagues wounded?! Did you guys hurt the old man?!" "Taxen, Doctor William is fine.

He wants us to kick them out of here." A guard interrupted from behind them.

"Move your hand," Elijah growled, trying to push past him with a glare, but Taxen pushed harder against his chest, makingElijah tighten his fist.

"You guys can not leave just yet!" "But Texan, the boss father wants them gone and" "Why not? Why can't we leave?" A nervous look passed by Taxen'sface before he replied, "Because," Al that moment, his phone started buzzing, and he looked over at Elijah, clearing his throat, and mumbling, "You guys can leave I gotta take this call.

Count yourself lucky today, and never show your faces back here, or else!" A look of annoyancesettled on Elijah's face as he watched Texan walk away, and he had this funny gut feeling towards him.

"You guys should leave now," A guard uttered with authority.

ignoring his rough tone, Elijah headed for the gate with Matt and the others, and when they got outside, he immediately noticed a black van packed outside the fence,a few distance from them "We have a rat on our tail," Elijah mentioned, watching the black SUV.

Following his gaze Ryan, Matt, and Rookie glared over at the vehicle, and their expression darkened, realizing that their boss wasright.

"You think it's the doctor?" Ryan asked in an annoyed tone.

"It could be or maybe... It's that security that wouldn't let us leave for an unknown reason doing." Elijah pointed out.

"If the doctor knew who I was already before I introduced myself, I wouldn't be shocked that he’s not the onlyone loyal to Jewel Hayes here." "What now?" "Stand here and wait for them to come to us." The guy driving the van watched Elijah and Matt with Ryan and Rookie take out their phone and just stood there playing on it.

"What the fuck are they doing?!" The dude in the passenger seat exclaimed angrily, slamming his hands onto his dashboard,

"Can we justabduct them from here?" Another guy mumbled, popping his head between the driver and passenger seats, "Yes! Abduct four full-grown men in broad daylight like they are kids...

That's some fucking brilliant idea!" The dude firmly uttered.

"Do you have any better ideas?! Taxen wants us to tail them to find out where they stay sowe can better plan our attack..

But they are just standing there like idiots.

So, since we only have knives here since Texan was rushing the shit out of us, I say we put themat knifepoint and order them to the car." "That makes a damn good sense," The driver agreed with a half-smirk.

A smile crossed Elijah's face as Peach's message popped up on his screen, "What are you doing now?"

"We have sixguys approaching us from the right," Matt whispered under his breath, immediately going into a defensive mood.

After turning off his screen, Elijah shoved it into his back pocket, knowing that it was about to getmore than a little messy.

As the five men got closer, Elijah didn't flinch nor did his three men move, and yet, they were alert andready for a fight.

The driver was the first to pull out his knife when they were three steps away from Elijah and the others, his face twisted ina smirk as he held the blade out in front of him.


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