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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 59

As ready as I will ever be

Shoving his hand into the sleeve of his coat, Elijah adjusted his cold embroidered black sit blazer over his broad chest, deep into his thoughts, his fingers traced down the edge of the button and pushed it through the hole For silent minute, le stared at his reflection, the three-piece black suit, shirt, and silk tie living him an elegant aura, and mumbled, “Let’s do this.” 

The lobbyhus tense energy surrounding it as Matt waited for Elijah and Peach along with Rookie, Ryan, and Jalles, 

“Keep in eye on himl. Please.” Jamnes finally broke the silence, eyeing Matt. 

Looking back at James with a humble noc, Matt replied, “Will do.” 

Thien silence took over as the sound of footsteps approached them, and everyone tensed immediately as Elijah walked into the lobby 

For a moment, he shared at Matt’s black dress shirt with cold lapel pin, and then the sound of Jheel slowly hitting the files of his attention 

When Elijah turned around, his g.uze rested softly on Peach in a long, dark black dress that hueced her curves perfectly. Her hair was tied loosely in a high ponytail, ew loose strands Waling over her shoulders, and the light makeup accentuated lier natural beauty 

“Ready” Elijah murmured, unable to help himself from smiling tenderly at her 

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Peach answered with a slight smirk as she slipped her hand into his The grand hall of the Hayes mansion was packed with guests, all dressed elegantly in black ind gold to meet the theme of the party 

Their voices echoed throughout the large space, some laughing and chatting animatedly while others conversed politely 

Have you seen teach” Madam Jewel asked Dean, and he quickly took a class of whiskey of! he waiter’s tray and chucged it down 

And he crimaced slightly as the whiskey burned down his throat, and Madan Jewel raise an rychrow al him, and he said, “No, she is not here yet.” 

“Should we call her_ ” Madam lewel whispered anxiously “Do you have her number” 

“Mother mother calm down We have just gone lwenty minutes into the party Relax I’m Mite that she’s just a bit late some guests are just turning up as we speak.” 

**You think # 

nahing around the hall, Madain Jewel’s gaze rested on Melina Hayes, Jessica, and a few other girls with her chatting happily while holding champagne classes Then her eyes and to Martha, Tommy, and Patricia Hayes at the lar end of the large gold and bilak diorate il venue as they conversed before the narrowed lier jaar toward Josh and Iris, standing with Enns and Rebecca Hayes 

Slowly, a smile made its way onto M.Adam Jewel’s lips as she shifted her gaze toward the door and saw Elijah walking into the hall with Peachi, hugcing onto his arm, and Mati beside liim 

“She’s here,” Cora Hayes whispered to her sister. 

Instantly. Amelia stared al where her sister was gazing, widening her eyes in surprise as her gaze landed upon Elijali’s face. “She brought him?! Melina is not going to be pleased.” 

“Mother warned us before today la treat l’each with respect tonight, but Melina has always been top arrogant, and now, with all the recent events between the three of them, we should expect her not to follow that rule. “Cora stated quietly Whispering quickly began to fill the hall as people began to mumble among themselves, curious to see Peach with Elijah. 

Every soul already knew the rumors Melina had circled through the media and the video of him carrying Peach out of the club only made them believe that sugas inight be true, but now that they showed up together, people were believing Melina’s lies to be the truth The number of cyes in them made Peach feel sliphtly intimidated, her grip on Elijah rightening is she swallowed nervously 

“Gosh, Melina, does your cousin have no shame.” Jessica whispered under her breath, scowling at Elijal. “Aliending such a sensitive party with your ex husband. Damn, that’s low 

Tightening her grip on the glass, Melina pouted as a look of anger swept across her lace before she looked down at the champagne in her glass and drank the rest in one pulp 

At that moment, Elijah made eye contact with Melina, but his gaze with empty of emotions 

he quickly averted his attention away from her 

“That lowlife bastard. Is this his way of humiliating me by showing up in my face withi Peach!’ Melina seethed, trying to restrain herself from exploding and saying something that would make Madam Jewel inad, remembering the old woman warning to them 


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