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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 60

Why is the will? 

Seeing how Madam Jewells grip on Peach’s hand was not causing her any pain, Elijah held back his desire to interfere, knowing that the situation wasn’t that threatening. 

“There is more to tonight, so I am hoping that you can stay a bit longer,” Madam Jewel said calmly, her hand loosening its grip against Peach’s wrist, allowing Peach to pull her hand away as she lowered her head slightly to avoid anyone noticing how uncomfortable she was. A frown settled on Elijah’s face because he could tell from Madam Jewel’s words that she had something up her sleeve, her tone and expression had him suspicious of what exactly she meant 

“But,” Peach whispered, darting her gaze to meet Elijah’s eyes, feeling hesitant to agree 

Trust wasn’t something she wanted to give to Madam Jewel and her family, knowing too well the danger of doing so since Madam Jewel had always been crafty and manipulative with whatever she did, and she had never hesitated to use whatever means available to her. 

“I would love to_but we both knowalter uncle Tommy’s last visit, my mother’s health has been declining” Peach replied softly, fiddling with her fingers and trying hard not to break character. “I had to leave her home to come to pay my respect to grandpa… but I can’t stay long, after all, we only have each other to rely on.” 

Her words woke faint mumbling among some of the guests. It’s not like it was a secret about how Albert Hayes descended from power after his father’s death and the way he and his family were treated terribly by the Hayeses over the years. 

A nervous look settled on Madam sewel’s face as she tried not to scoff at Peach and say something insensitive in front of so many people when she gave her a half smile. 

Becoming a bit of a nuisance to the Hayes so that they would allow her to leave this suffocating party was Peach’s first motive because she didn’t want to stay for whatever reason Madam Jewel was planning 

Suddenly, Madam Jewel gently rested her palms on Peach’s cheeks, causing her to stiffen in fear, and said softly in an almost pleading tone, “You poor thing.- Growing up must have been hard on you, hasn’t it?” 

What the heck is going on?!’ Matt thought in disbelief as his eyes widened, watching what verted like a scene straight out of the dramas he watched. looling away from Peach and Madam Jewel, Patricia smirked at her husband and whispered.” Your mother is such a good actress.” 

“Mother is going to get what she wants one way or another, and she isn’t going to let Peach leave until she gets whatever she wants,” Tommy replied, raising the champagne glass to his lipa he vnnd 

The look of concern in Madan Jewel’s eyes disgust Peach since she knew full well Maulain lewvl was hateful and spitalul towards her for as long as slie could remember, and although Madar wel weted sweet and loving right now, h air tretter 

Shakiny trt head, Penh rowired slightly and vald, “I’m glad u finally took you ten years to realu ihal Aller high ing the candle, Elijah and I will be leaving.” 

Slowly. M.dan Jewel withdrew her hands from Peach’s cheekbones and nodded, smiling Warmly, wild then turned hier gaze to the right, calling out, “Mr. Meeks!” 

“What is she up to now?’ Elijah thought, furrowing his brows in confusion. 

His suspicion deepened further when an elderly man entered through the door, a moment later, stopping a few distances away from them “Come closer,” Madam level uttered softly. gesturing the old lawyer forward, and Elijah noticed the way the man hesitated and knew something was off about what was happening. yet be kept his mouth shut When the old man finally approached ther, Peach’s eyes widened slightly as she met luis gaze and bluried out in a low tone. “You are grandpa’s lawyer.” 

Tears began forming in her eyes and she looked away, wiping them quickly, remembering her Cather’s last visit with Mr Mecks, begging him to have access to her grandfather’s will, so that liis desire can be fulfilled. 

Adrop of tear slowly rolle from her night eye and into the corner of her mouth when the memory of her father’s devastating expression when Mr Mreks denied his request surfaced in her mind, causing her to cholo an her sob, not wanting to cry in front of all these people Noticing, her pain, Elijah held in his desire la cantort her as he knew the last thing Peach needed right now was to leel vulnerable before strangers, and if he pushed her right now, her fragile mental state would most likely shalter 

So tie stoved both hands into his pockets, watching the scene unfold with interest as he wondered whal Madan lewel had planned next. 

Within a couple of minutes of silent observation, he had learned way more about the layes than his years of marriage with Melina had given him the people that were involved with them, memonzing the quest’s faces with each dart his eyes maxle around the room 

Since he was about to enter the business world, he needed to know who to rust and whom tu Trgate so that he wouldn’t make mistakes and reveal himself to people with ulterior notives 

-Stop the inusic!” Madam sewel ordered loudly to which the musicians halted and turned their attentions toward the direction where Madam Jewel was standing immediately, she had everyone stop talking and listen carefully, curious about what she Wanted to STY 

“I know, after everything that has happened the fall apart with your father and us, you will mal believe a word that I way, so I brought someone that your grandfather trusted wohartedly with every piece of information about hus leg.ky and his plans for his 

Irundhililren to tell you this,’ Madam Towel said firmly for everyone to hear while her stare Sty r d on Peach who looked shocked and upset Shipping her brows together, Peach looke the lawyer dead in his ryes, angry and hostile as tus expression grow numb and she stared unblinkingly Nerv Lrwyer Meeksclared his throul, planding toward Madam Jewel belore saying with thak, volte, Your wine is in your grandfather’s will, but the reason I couldn’t disclose it was that you were young at the time he pued.” 

Von Wil could have been prandfather’s so-called wish that you couldn’t even teil mny 

latter when he was berging on his knees for it. Teaches eyes narrowed furiously as thoucht, and it took ler all she had to control herself Ironi noi uttering those words harshly 

Eyeing Madam Jewel, Lawyer Meeks shifted his gaze between the two ladies and said softly.” To keep this confidential, I couldn’t divulge the information regarding his will in the past However, I can provide you with this now. Your grandfather’s wedding gift to you is one of his comples.” 

Damn, grandma’ Tyson thought, scoffing at the words Meeks had said, and then shook his 

Mumbling aroused among the guests, many of them whispering amongst themselves while the rest of them started looking at Peach, wondering what her reaktion would be Atense expression settin on Melina’s face as she grabbed a glass of red wine from the tray of a servant, drinking it in one go as though she needed its calming effeci, unable to take her cold 

“Is your rrandmother being Triolis, right now?” Tracy, her other friend, whispered in disbelich 

Frowning slightly, Jessica Sheered, crossing her arm over her chest and looking directly al Madam Jercbefore Tumbling, “Wat does your grandma think she’s doing, Melina? 

Il lowing in her eyes as she glared at Peach, Melina growled, “She’s nol going to survive a day in that hall dead company Dyway, so I don’t care or give a damn what she thinks she’s 

T word Marriage” caused Elijal to flinci in shock, and he clanded over to see Peach’s 

expression clarkaning as she clenched her in tightly and then shot aglare at Madam level 

Your prandfather warned one that only when you were mature crough and married that I could discuss this with you and turn over the company in your hand,” Mr Merks explained slowly his eyes flickering from the left to ilien 

Tieteexion hardened as Peach glared ulim. gritting her teeth tightly, her lists clenching 


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