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Why did she " Divorce Me " novel Chapter 22

Amoli's Pov.:-

I am sitting inside his one of the most expensive and luxurious black car with his lunch .

I am getting terrified with the thought going near him.... Because he never keep his hands to himself around me.

He always touch me whenever he get any chance .

And I am afraid because it's my first day of my monthly cycle and it's very painful although I have taken painkiller but still I am feeling uneasiness with this little pain in my lower abdomen to my legs.

What if he touch me again and will ask for sex What if he touch me again and will ask for sex  ...What will i do then

With these thoughts I reached at my destination .. as driver said " mam we arrived "

I step out from the car ,when driver opened the door for me to step out in respect showing manners.

" Thank you bhaiya (brother) " I thanked him with a smile ...

Although my whole body is shaking in fear as I stood at the entrance of a huge building ...

At the entrance my husband's two bodyguards also standing with other 4 guards.

They greet me and i greet them back ... I step inside and my eyes twinkled with its beauty.

After coming out from the spell of  this hotels beauty  ,I walk towards the receptionist area where four beautiful woman's are sitting in front of their respective computers .

" Hello ... " I said to grab one of them attention to me ...

" Hello " one of them greet me back with a beautiful smile while others just rolled their eyes and glued them back at their respective computers.

" How can I help you mam " that beautiful smile having girl asked me ...

" I am here to gave my husband his lunch ... " I said getting nervous with my surroundings as people's eyeing me and specially those three receptionists.

" Okay mam ... Will you please tell me name of your husband " she again said in polite voice.

" Mr.. Mr. Varun Arora " I breath out his name ..

Only by spelling his name ...I felt that he is around me ...

Breath Amoli breath .. my defence self came out to save me from panic attack.

After listening to me everyone who is present in the hall became statue and the three receptionists who were seated on their respective seats ... They stood up like  their chair has burnt their ass .

" Your name mam " that girl again said with smile.

I ignored everyone's stares ..and answered her.

" Amoli An.. Arora.. Amoli Arora " I said and she made a quick call and said on the call " sir there is miss Amoli who is saying that she is your wife and... .... Okay ... Okay sir " and with that she cut the call.

" Come mam " she said and I followed her ... She took me at the top floor which is 30th .

After reaching there I followed her and she knocked on a wooden door which has a painting of an angel who is cage in a devil's embrace... all over the door.

I took a deep breath to pull out myself from my frightened condition.... Because I saw myself as an angel in this painting while he is a devil in it.

" Mam you can go inside " that girl again said ...

I nod but I stop her " wait you didn't tell me your name .... What's your name dear " I asked her.

" Naitee Chandra " she said and walked away after passing me a polite smile which I returned back.

I step inside his office to see it's beautiful ... Big and from two side it has glass wall from where you can see whole city ...

And at the middle of the office there is his desk with his chair on which he is seated and looking me with questionable look .

" I brought lunch for you " I said with normal voice .

" Okay wait over there " he said showing me his index finger in the direction of couch which  back is facing glass wall from where sun rays are coming.

I set there and wait for him to get free to have his lunch.



To kill my time I look around his office room ... There are 4 seats infront of his desk for visitors.

His table is all clean ... He is reading some papers with a frown on his forehead.

He is looking cool while reading them... Uhhh only if looks can tell the true face of human than it will help us to know them at one sight.

I advert my eyes behind him on the wall where worlds map is painted on the whole wall .

There is a sofa set ... On which I am seating which is grey in colour.

This office has four walls in which two walls are glass wall one is infront direction of my husband 's desk if we look from his side and the other one is his left side ... While left two wall is normal one ...

The wall which has door from which I entered has light grey colour which gives it a working atmosphere .

My stomach grumbled angrily for asking food ... But I snapped my head hurriedly in my husband's direction to see that he has also noticed it ..


And I face palmed to hide my embarassed blush .... But again my stomach grumbled ... To which he laughed hard ...

Hahahahaha his laugh is beautiful not like evil one but like a normal healthy human one .

I smiled in his direction while still looking at his shining face lovingly but when he saw that I am watching him he composed himself and got from his seat with emotionless face .

" Come wash your hands " he said and opened a door which was right side of his desk ... which was several steps away from his desk.

I followed him and I entered inside a small house ... Means it has a room or a bedroom . I think he rest here ... And we reach washroom and we both washed our hands... And came out.

I took my seat where I was seated before and opened the lunch box.

He set beside me and I served him ... And he didn't start to have his food so , I look up that he is still eyeing me with something ... Like he want to say something ..

But I didn't get his words so I said " what do you need something "

He shook his head with tight sealed lips and said " serve yourself "

After having our lunch silently peacefully ... I place the vacant lunch box back inside the carry bag and got up .

But he hold my hand and said wait here ... He took out something from his desk drawer .. and walk towards me and gave me.

It's a gift .. because it's wrapped in a gift blue wrapper ... I looked at him in confusion to which I took a long breath and moved his hands in his hairs .

" It's your gift ... A wedding gift or first rasoie gift .. think whatever you wanna think ... But it's a gift from my side .. opened it " he said still combing his hairs with his fingers.

I opened it and saw it has beautiful wedding chain .... I think it's diamond .. but the amazing fact is that , it's light in wait than my this gold wedding chain ...

He grab it from my hands and came behind me and make me wear it and removed my old chain and gave a wet soft long kiss , a mouth full kiss on my neck .

I shivered as a electrical current run down in my whole body ... To make my all hairs stand in excitement...

My breathing which got stuck in my throat .... Is came out with a little voice ... Like ..like

I moaned in pleasure..

O no !

He moved his mouth to my side neck to my front neck while his hand also moved and caged mine waist in them .

Now he is standing infront of me ... While his head is digged in my neck ... He is kissing my neck ...

His hands move upward to my chest before his hands can touch them ... I pushed him and he stumbled in his steps but didn't fall down ... And somehow stable himself on his feet.

" What is this Amoli " he said in cooled calmed voice without any anger , annoyeness , or dominant cold coated voice.

But I look up at his face and eyes ... His face is rubby red with clenched jaw and his eyes they are narrowing towards me .. really to beat me.

He is holding back his anger because he is fisting his both hands fingers tightly...

Why ... ?

" Answer me Amoli " he said with heavy breath ... Pretending that he is not angry

" I .. I am on my days now ... Means I am on my periods .. so , please don't touch me " I said with joined hands and tears of helplessness fall down one by one .

He throw tissue paper box on me and it hit me on my chest region and fall down on the ground ...

I hissed in pain and look at the laying tissue box.

I looked at it with tears blocking eyes... I didn't looked up at my evil husband.

His morning behaviour and all ....


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