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Why did she " Divorce Me " novel Chapter 47

Varun's Pov.:-

I looked at her sleeping face .. all silent , beautiful and innocent .. her chest is moving up and down by her inhale and exhale of breath..

Her little baby hairs are resting over her forehead ..

I got up from bed and looked at her face .. don't know how long ..

Because I still can't believe that she is infront of my eyes ..

Although I am regretting for slapping her but her those words had made me beyond angry and I couldn't hold it any longer when she called herself a whore .. which she is not and can't be .

And from this I learnt that I still need to work on my anger issues .. as I loose my control whenever I got angry because it's not good for a family man .

Her face still has my slap mark .. and it's quite swelled .. with red colour .. I felt more guilty for slapping her .. ' I am sorry babe ' I said in my head ..

she is looking a cute child .. sleeping like a small baby with closed fist , near her chest and curled knees .. towards her stomach .

I had thought to leave her alone as she was forcing me to go away from her .. but after knowing her reason for divorcing me now I can't leave her alone ..

I came to her , here not because I felt pity on her because .. I truly love her .. I will always be beside her in her every hard time from now on .. and it's a promise .. no matter how hard she try to push me back or away from her .

It's not like she needs a man for her protection or for living her life .. It just that we need our soulmate to be happy in our life ..

We can't live our life alone .. without our partner .. because there are lot of things which you can discuss or tell only to your life partner ..not to anyone .

And she is mine and I am her's ...

My further thoughts broken by  Quasar's muffling sounds of her cry signals .. that she is going to cry .. I took her in my arms and changed her diaper .. and heat her milk ..

I made her drink her milk and I pat her back to make her burp ..

She is not sleeping as .. it's her wish .. she sleeps when she want to and plays when she want to .. and right now she wants to play .. with her dada ...

I played with her while Amoli she is in her deep sleep ..

After like hours .. quasar yawned for her sleep .. I got up on my foot and carry her .. and moved from here to there in room while rocking her body gently so that she could sleep soon and fast ..

I placed her on her little bed when she slept and i laid on bed beside Amoli and pulled her near my body and hugged her .. she moved more into me and rest her head over my chest ... While her one head is on her chest while other is around my waist ..

I inhaled her fragrance from her neck as I have moved my head in her neck to feel her more .. she pushed my head away in her sleep when she felt ticklish on her neck ..

' stop being pervert Varun .. ' my inner self said to me ..

And I didn't trouble her again and rest my head on pillow to see her more .. now my heart at ease .. as she is in my arms sleeping peacefully.. I have missed her alot ..

Soon .. I slept ...





Author's Pov.:-

Amoli woke up by her personal alarm .. and it's her life .. her daughter who is crying for her ..

Amoli hurriedly pulled her body .. but she pushed back with her same force which she used to pulled herself up from bed ..

She looked at her caged waist in Varun's hold .. who is sleeping like a hulk over her half body ..

Amoli kicked him on his stomach to make him moaned in pain and at the same time he also fell down on floor ..

He got up from cold hard floor while rubbing his hips with his hands with pain showing face .. as sleep is still in his eyes ..

" Stupid .. mad .. pervert ... animal .. monkey .. devil .. " Amoli cursed Varun with her low mumbling sound and took quasar and did her all business from milk to make her ready for temple ..

Then she too herself took quick bath and got ready to go temple in her cotton saree ..

Meanwhile Varun quickly fresh up in other washroom which was outside the house ...

Amoli did her prayer in her house than took her daughter with her to go temple in whole process she completely ignored Varun's presence .

While Varun .. he just watched Amoli with admiring look like a fan boy .. looking at his ideal celebrity.





As today is Sunday .. so temple is more crowded than other days ..

Amoli arrived at temple and stood in line with quasar in her hand .. lot of village people greets her and she too did the same ..

Her turn came .. and she did her prayer ..

Soon she walk down the temple staircase to go back her home .. but someone shout her name .. from some steps away from her ..

She looked in the direction of voice source .. to see her senior teacher.. Deepak is standing some steps away from her ..

He waved his hand and run towards Amoli and soon stood before her ...

He calmed his racing breaths and said " Good morning .. Miss. Anand.. "

" Good morning Mr. Roy " amoli said .. to which he smiled and talk with her for good 5-6 minutes ..

" Come I will drop you to your house " he said to Amoli to which she nod her head in yes as it's already late and she have to make breakfast ..

She set on his bick behind him with her baby in her arms ..

Soon they reached at their destination.. and amoli climbed down from his vehicle .. and thanked him ..

" Won't you ask me for a tea or coffee ? " He said to make amoli role her eyes at his statement ..

" Come .. " amoli said and turned around to go but .. what she saw couldn't believe on her own eyes .. she blinked her eyes not trusting on her eyesight

Because infront of her Varun is in his .. sports shorts with sports t-shirt carrying carry bags which has groceries in them ..

' Is it really him or I am mistaking him with someone else .. ' Amoli asked to herself .. ignoring how lost of villagers giving Varun their attentions mostly girls or women ..

" What are you looking at .. come .. it's your house " Deepak said and pulled amoli inside her house ..

Deepak made himself comfortable on chair .. and looked around .. it's not his first time in amoli's house .. he has come to her house many time with different different useless reasons only to spend some time with her .

While Amoli placed her baby on her little bed .. in the hall so that's she can look at her second to second .

She put water on stove to boil it for tea ..

" Who are you ? .. and what are you doing in my house ? " Amoli heard this rude questions from hall ..

She ran out to see Varun is standing in hall with angry scary face with .. hard face ... One fist is clenched controlling his anger while other is holding carry bags of groceries..




When Amoli has went to temple Varun was left alone in house and aloneness is scaring him so , to kill his time he thought to make breakfast for him and Amoli .. and auntie never do breakfast in amoli's house .. she made breakfast for herself on her own .. and as today is Sunday .. she is not going to come here as she is busy in her prayer stuffs .

He walk in kitchen but didn't found sufficient vegetables for his dish .. so he thought to buy some fresh vegetables ..

So he took his wallet and walk out from house .. as there is no fear of thiefs in village so he just closed the door from outside but didn't locked it ..

Soon he complete buying all required vegetables and some for dinner also and some fruits ..

He walk in all the way from home to market and market to home .. only to see beautiful of nature .. he enjoyed his walk and his mood is now calm and happy due to his wonderful morning walk which opened his all sense nerves .. to make him more active and energetic.

He step inside the house with a happy joyful smile but it wiped out from his face .. when he saw a stranger is sitting inside his ex-wife's house .. he thought maybe he is known .. but he didn't found Amoli around ..

So he thought that he is some thief or something .. so he said " who are you ? .. and what are you doing inside my house " ..

Hearing his voice Amoli came running to make him look at her ..

" He is my friend Deepak .. and Deepak he .. hmm .. he is .. my brother's friend Varun .. " Amoli introduced them .. and in process she lied because she doesn't felt good to say .. ' meet my ex-husband .. ' to a guy who have feelings for her .. she doesn't want to hurt Deepak as he is a good man .

Varun's face turned sad and lost its shine .. when Amoli introduced him as her brother's friend ..

' I fucking deserves it ' Varun said to himself to calm his raging nerves another wise he will kill Deepak .. losing his sense in anger .

" Nice to meet you man .. for a while I had gotten scared as you suddenly shout on me .. " Deepak said with nervous smile and shake hand with motionless Varun ..

" Nice to meet you too " Varun said in mono tone .. with forced smile ..

He gave Amoli groceries bag and directly went inside the room .. amoli's room and he hide hisself inside the bathroom to cry ..

Amoli ignored Varun's sad face and went inside the kitchen while Deepak just looked at playing quasar .. and he want to hold her but he stopped hisself while saying to himself ' she is a cracking bomb .. don't go near her she doesn't likes you .. although she looks cute but she is only looks cute while is she too naughty child under this cute and innocent face and she is her mother's little naughty devil ' ..

Chapter - 47 1

Chapter - 47 2


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