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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 495

Thanks to Clarissa, Leia now had a nickname—Miss Leizy. All her family members called her that because it matched her personality.

Nonetheless, no one else was aware of the cheeky nickname. To the public, Leia was still that intelligent and gorgeous professor with an indifferent attitude.

Though Leia was young, she was already an internationally renowned expert in chemistry, biomolecular engineering, and biophysics. Her research and findings were so complicated that someone like Wrenna, who was not academically inclined, could never comprehend. But Wrenna was still a big fan of Leia.

Others might think Leia was an unapproachable high flyer, but to Wrenna, she was just someone lazy.

She might be a professional in her areas of expertise, but other than that, she was just a person who refused to make any effort to do anything.

For instance, whenever Leia needed a drink, Wrenna would have to unscrew the cap for her and place the bottle near her mouth.

“Tired.” Leia was so lazy that she would only say a word instead of a full sentence.

Wrenna smiled. “Your lab work must be very tiring, right? If I'm not mistaken, you even had to sacrifice your sleep to complete your experiment? I'm sure it's much more exhausting than taking a long-haul flight!”

Leia kept her eyes closed and responded with a low grunt.

Wrenna instantly understood her response. She must be tired.

Wrenna chuckled and continued, “Aunt Clarissa is waiting for us at home, and she's now busy preparing nice food for you. Damian has also bought you a gift. Just so you know, I helped him pick a beautiful skirt for you! You'll have something to wear to all the new year gatherings. Aunt Clarissa didn't want you to use the lack of clothes as an excuse to avoid these events. Oh, by the way, Damian and I are divorced. I didn't inform you before this, but I guess you're not surprised, right?”

All of a sudden, Leia opened her eyes and looked at Wrenna.

Wrenna continued, “We've been divorced for nearly half a year now. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to ruin your mood, but Damian and I are okay now. We feel more comfortable when we're around each other.”

“Deserved it!” Leia responded with a deadpan expression.

Wrenna had no idea if Leia was mad with her or Damian.

She grinned. “I know. I deserved it. If only I...”

Leia interrupted, “Not you. Damian.”

“Oh? You mean he deserved it?” Wrenna asked.

Leia kept mum and nodded.

Wrenna thought about it and pursed her lips as she did not know what else to say. “Oh, okay...”

In fact, Wrenna had mixed feelings upon recalling all the things Damian had done in the last six months.

She tried not to think about it because she did not want relationship problems to get in the way of her studies.

At this point, I don't want Damian or any other man to distract me from my studies.

Leia did not pursue the matter further since Wrenna had ended the topic.

Meanwhile, friends and family members had gathered at Zen Highlands to welcome Leia home.

A gathering like this was uncommon, as it would usually only take place during the new year.

Ellie took a glance at Leia and did not find the latter intimidating at all. “Leia, you should go out and mingle around. Let's go out and have some fun together tonight! How about that?”

Ellie continued, “I'll take that as a yes if you don't give me a response, Miss Leizy. So, what kind of boys do you like? Maybe I can help. Don't worry, you can tell me, and I'll keep it a secret...”

Leia was at a loss for words, as she did not know how to react to Ellie's suggestion.

In fact, she kept mum not because she consented to Ellie's suggestion but merely to give her the cold shoulder.

Ignatius, who had been observing Leia from a distance, was quite fond of her. As a rebellious teenager with anti-social behaviors, Ignatius was attracted to Leia's intelligence. Leia seemed to understand him well and could relate to the things that he liked. That was why Ignatius liked seeking her advice.

Annoyed by his mother, Ignatius grabbed Leia's hand and brought her to his room. He was eager to find out how she would answer his questions.

In the meantime, Wrenna went to the kitchen to lend Clarissa a helping hand, although she knew Clarissa would not let her.

Nevertheless, the two ladies had a lot to catch up on.

Clarissa said, “I notice Damian always visit you when he's free. Isn't that great? Since you two have nothing to do on weekends anyway, it's good to meet up with each other.”

It was as if there was a hidden message in what she said.

Nevertheless, Wrenna did not try to read between the lines. Instead, she responded in a calm voice, “Yeah, Damian would always bring me to fancy restaurants and places. Otherwise, I wouldn't know what to do on weekends.”

The corner of Clarissa's lips quirked up. Wrenna, oh, Wrenna. Trying to play cool, I see.

Clarissa could not help but sigh when she compared the old Wrenna with the Wrenna standing in front of her. What a big difference.

Love could change people, be it for the better or worse. The old Wrenna was not miserable, but her life seemed to revolve around Damian. Clarissa felt sorry for her because she thought Wrenna did not know how to live for herself.

Chapter 495 1

Chapter 495 2


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