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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 496

After dinner, the men sat together to drink tea as they played chess and chatted, while the women gathered together. They laughed from time to time, obviously much more excited than the men.

That night, Leia was the subject of the conversation. However, with her strong ability to keep silent, the crowd couldn't do much about it.

Moreover, there was no gossip about Leia. The only things she did with her life were read and conduct her experiments. There was no need even to ask if any boys were interested in her. There definitely were, but Leia probably didn't notice.

As for Wrenna, everyone had to show her some respect.

After all, one could tell what Damian was thinking, but no one would want to help him out.

Damian occasionally swept his gaze across the crowd. Seeing him like that, Henry couldn't contain his anger.

“Damian, come here. I just remember there's a bottle of wine at my house. Drive there and pick it up. It's for your dad. Hurry!”

Henry made up an excuse to send Damian away.

Everyone could guess Henry's intention.

Meanwhile, Damian couldn't refuse. However, just as he stood up, Ellie pulled him back.

“Why must Damian make a trip there? Why don't you get someone who's already at home to bring it over?”

“There's no one at home.”

“There's no one and yet Damian has to go?”

“I'll give him the keys!”

“That's not appropriate. Why don't Wrenna and Damian go together?”


Henry would never allow that.

“Hmph! Forget it. Don't get the wine, then. B*stard, how arrogant can you be?”

Since Henry had said so, there was no way for Damian to refuse his request. After all, Henry was definitely going to become his father-in-law one day.

He then got up and went to get the car to drive to the Jackson residence.

However, Wrenna suddenly piped up, “Damian drank just now. He can't drink and drive.”

“Oh right. Then why don't you go instead, Wrenna? Let Damian rest.”

As long as the two of them are separated, it's fine.

“No. I feel uneasy letting Wrenna go alone. I'll accompany her,” Damian responded.

As he spoke, he held Wrenna's hand and walked out. Henry shot them a hateful glance and wanted to stop them. However, someone else proceeded to stop the man from doing so.

As Damian's father, Matthew would undoubtedly offer his help when it was called for.

“All right, Henry! That's enough!”

As Matthew was the most influential figure there, his words came across like a warning.

Henry snorted, dissatisfied. He got up and sat next to Yaala, needing her comfort.

In front of so many people, Yaala decided not to shame her husband by chasing him away. Instead, she continued talking about stuff she was interested in, paying no attention to Wrenna and Damian.

Meanwhile, Wrenna and Damian had arrived at the courtyard, ready to drive back to the Jackson residence.

“What wine? I don't remember Dad mentioning it,” Wrenna mumbled.

They got in the car, with Damian sitting in the passenger seat. He smiled. “Henry was probably just saying that to get me to leave.”

Wrenna pursed her lips. She didn't ask why her father wanted him to leave.

Nonetheless, Damian was disappointed by that.

Had she asked, he would definitely say that it was because he had eyes for her.

However, Wrenna didn't ask in the end. He didn't know if she already knew the answer. She had been behaving like that recently, looking as if she was ready to suffocate Damian.

It was the saddest situation to be in when one was expecting the other party to ask something so they could say what they wished to say, but the other party didn't continue the conversation in the way one wanted to.

Damian smiled helplessly. He considered it to be Wrenna's punishment for him.

After a short silence between them, Wrenna shifted her focus and concentrated on driving.

Just then, Damian's phone rang. It was a call from Burnham.

“Damian, join me for a drink?”

It was already very late. If Burnham was asking him to drink, something must have happened.

“No, I'm busy.”

“Please, Damian. I'm devastated right now. Have a drink or two with me! When you complained to me about not being able to be with Wrenna, I set aside what I was doing to drink your sorrows away with you! Did you forget that?”

Damian's mouth twitched. He reduced the volume on his phone, afraid that Wrenna would hear.

“Tomorrow night.”

As soon as his words fell, he didn't wait for Burnham's reply and ended the call.

Burnham can't be associated with Stella. If I make him seem like he was, that'll imply I'm associated with her!

What's that “oh” supposed to mean?

Chapter 496 1


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