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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 497

His dreams to come true?

Wrenna was silent for a moment before she said to Damian, “I hope your dreams will come true this year.”

Damian's heart fluttered. Does that mean that she has agreed?

However, he didn't have much time to celebrate before Wrenna continued, “Damian, new year wishes are usually just said for fun. If you really want it to come true, you'll have to see what fate has decided for you and combine that with your own hard work. So, good luck to you. Work hard for what you desire!”

Is she trying to say that I haven't put in enough effort?

Damian chuckled. He did not seem to mind her rejection.

“Wren, you're right. I need to work hard to get what I want.”

He could continue working hard, of course. That was no big deal. Even though he was anxious, Damian was sure that he would make Wrenna his one day.

There was no way he would ever let go of her.

The two didn't talk much. Henry was always focused on his daughter. He was constantly checking to see if she called Damian or whether she had any unnecessary communications with him.

When he saw that she had been on the phone for a while, he quickly called out to her.

Through the phone, Damian could hear Henry calling Wrenna's name. He laughed helplessly.

“Happy New Year, Wren!”

That was a sincere wish from him.

Wrenna replied, “Happy New Year to you too, Damian.”

After the call was disconnected, Damian drove back to Zen Highlands.

The rest of the family was busy doing their own things. Leia and Matthew were playing a game of chess while drinking tea. On the other hand, Clarissa was on a video call.

When Damian entered the house, he heard his mother's hearty chuckle. Through her phone, he could hear that she was talking to the Jackson family.

“Oh, my silly son went over to your house again. Haha... I didn't want to tell him that you guys had left already. Haha. He's back now. Look at his disappointed face. It's hilarious.”

Damian's mouth twitched slightly. His mother was really becoming more and more childish as she aged.

He tried his best to ignore his mother's words as he went over to sit down beside her. Of course, he did that not for anyone else but in the hopes that Wrenna would show up in the video. Even if he could see her for just a brief moment, he would be happy.

However, Clarissa instantly chased him away in disdain. “Go away. Can't you see I'm on a call? Don't disturb me.”

Damian maintained his calm expression as he stared at Yaala through the video call. He greeted her politely, “Happy New Year, Mrs. Jackson. I wish you a great year ahead filled with abundance and happiness.”

At that moment, his mouth was so sweet that Clarissa was starting to doubt that her son had been swapped with someone else. Or perhaps he had been possessed.

She poked Damian's face and also tugged on his ears.

“Damian, are you sure you're my son?”

Through the video call, Yaala laughed out loud. After listening to Damian's kind words, she wasn't about to be completely unreasonable.

She pulled Wrenna over to join the video call.

“Here, Wren. Wish your godmother a happy new year. Don't forget Damian too...”

Damian's eyes lit up. On the screen, he saw Wrenna dressed in a violet bodycon dress. She was looking very alluring. The mere sight of her made Damian's heart flutter.

He had never seen her dress like that before. The bodycon dress carved out her figure perfectly. Her beauty struck right into his eyes and heart.

Even though Wrenna was talking, he couldn't hear a word she was saying. His eyes were just locked onto her completely.

Meanwhile, Wrenna seemed to feel a little shy from his gaze. She blushed lightly before stepping away.

Damian was sad to see her go. All of a sudden, Henry's face appeared in the video. His expression was dark, and he had a warning look in his eyes.

Damian smiled faintly. “Happy New Year, Henry.”

Henry responded with an unfriendly smile.

“Happy New Year indeed, Damian. Just a few days ago, I heard Ms. Soyza had taken a liking to you. She even went so far as to ask a friend to set up a meeting with you. Everything has been arranged now. Make sure to grab tight onto this opportunity, Damian. I know your parents can't wait to have grandchildren. I've personally met Ms. Soyza as well. She's very pretty, and she comes from a good family. I'm sure she'll be a great partner to support you in the future. Meet her soon, okay? Don't forget to thank me when things go well with her.”

Damian was rendered speechless.

After several moments of silence, he responded with a smile, “I rejected to meet her. When I was out with Wren previously, we ran into Ms. Soyza. She knows I'm married.”

“You rascal. You got divorced a long time ago.”

“Sorry. I used Wren to reject Ms. Soyza. Regardless, I don't like her. Hence, I feel like the best thing for me to do would be not to meet her.”

“Hmph. Very well. Even if you don't like Ms. Soyza, there are other women. Don't worry, Damian. I will be sure to find someone that will meet your standards.”

A threatening smile appeared on Henry's face as he spoke.

That smile showed that he wasn't planning on giving up easily. In fact, it was a rather insidious smile.

Damian felt his back break out into a cold sweat. Despite that, he maintained his smile. “Thank you for your concern, but I don't think I'll need your help.”

Henry didn't bother to waste his time arguing back. He didn't care if Damian didn't want his help. Either way, he was going to force it onto him.

Chapter 497 1

What does she mean by that? he mused.

Is she even my biological mother? he thought grimly.


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