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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 499

Damian went to pick Wrenna up at the airport when she returned to D City with her parents.

However, Henry seemed to dislike Damian's appearance very much upon seeing him at the airport.

Hence, it was a futile attempt for Damian to fetch Wrenna. In the end, he drove back alone.

Although he could not pick her up, he still caught a glimpse of her.

To him, the days had passed by very slowly without her by his side. He longed to see her again.

It was a bittersweet feeling, but it was mostly a sense of anticipation and yearning. The majority of the time, his mind was filled with thoughts of her. He would be joyful if he could do anything for her. Damian would be in a buoyant mood if he started thinking of her every day after waking up because he finally had someone he liked.

With Wrenna occupying his mind all day, he did not find it to be troublesome or meaningless. Instead, happiness enveloped him every time he thought of her.

Suddenly, realization dawned upon him. I think Wrenna had experienced this kind of feeling before. Was it the same for her back then? However, Wrenna stopped herself from pouring more effort into the unrequited love. She must have gone through hell.

Damian did not want to think about that. Whenever he did, he hated his own guts and had the urge to beat himself up. I was so cruel for letting her suffer the pain because of me!

Damian pulled over in front of the Jackson residence. After getting out of his car, he diligently went over to help with the luggage, but Henry stopped him.

There were chauffeurs and housekeepers around, so the Jackson family did not need Damian to do that.

Hence, the young man could only stand outside in a daze. At times, Wrenna glanced over at him and flashed him a smile. Seeing that, he regained his enthusiasm and energy. He felt that a smile from Wrenna was the best motivation for him to carry on his day-to-day life.

“What are you looking at? Leave now!” Henry shouted.

After that, Henry pushed Wrenna into the house. Realizing this, Damian wanted to follow them in.

However, Henry would never allow that to happen. He snapped at Damian, “Who gives you the permission to enter our house? I can tell that you're quite busy with work after a holiday, aren't you? Carry on with your business! Your dad would blame us if you were to ruin Tyson Corporation!”

Damian plastered a smile on his face. No matter what Henry said, he would respond politely and would not be mad at him. After all, Damian knew he deserved it.

“No, it's fine. The company will continue to run without me, Henry. I'm here today because I want to pick you up. I guess you must be all exhausted after a long journey. Well, I'll take my leave first. My mom wants to treat you and your family to a dinner at Zen Highlands tonight.”

Henry did not want to reject Clarissa's invitation.

“All right. We'll be there. Hurry up and leave already...”

Henry drove Damian away as though the latter was an unwelcomed pest.

After Henry went into his house, he was unhappy upon noticing Wrenna staring and waving her hand at Damian at the window.

“What are you doing, Wren? Aren't you tired? Go upstairs and unpack your luggage. Take a rest first, okay? We'll be going to Aunt Clarissa's place for dinner tonight.”

“Oh? Aunt Clarissa's place? That's great!”

Henry frowned when he saw Wrenna beamed with happiness. He said, “Hmm, why don't you stay home?”

“Dad!” Wrenna pouted unhappily.

Giving his suggestion a careful consideration, Henry felt that it was not appropriate after all. Then, he gave in and responded impatiently, “Ah! All right! Forget it! Go and grab some rest now.”

Wrenna grinned and went upstairs. Meanwhile, Henry sat wearily on the couch and noticed how calm his wife was in that situation. Instantly, he felt miserable and aggrieved.


Henry reached out his arms and hugged Yaala before resting his head on her shoulder, wanting her to comfort him.

“Yaala, I'm so tired! Damian is so sneaky and would try to do anything to achieve his goal! I don't want Wrenna to have anything to do with him anymore. However, it's impossible to avoid this because we're close as two families. They will see each other anyhow. Plus, I can't lock her in our house! What should I do?”

It was an eyesore that Henry was acting kittenishly in his wife's arms, asking for comfort.

Then, Yaala pushed Henry away in contempt.

“Can't you just let them be?”

“How can I do that? Honey, can you bear to see Wrenna suffer again because of Damian?”

Yaala stared daggers at him as a cold glint flashed across her eyes.

“Well, my dad thought the same when you courted me.”

Recalling his father-in-law's attitude toward him, Henry could not help but rub his nose sheepishly. Then, he let out a chuckle to ease the awkwardness in the air.

“Honey, I've turned over a new leaf! Look! My feelings for you have never changed all these years.”

“Then, how can you be sure Damian won't do that and have a fresh start? Plus, he's better than you because he doesn't have complicated exes!”

“B-But, he...”

Um, what should I say?

Henry wanted to list out Damian's undesirable traits. However, he felt that the latter was better than him after careful consideration.

In fact, he had made more severe mistakes when he was with Yaala. On the other hand, Damian only had a former girlfriend.

This is so awkward!

Henry looked uneasy and ashamed. Then, he stood up after a moment of silence. “Hmm, are you tired, Honey? Let's go upstairs and grab some rest! We have to go to Matt's place for dinner. I'll ask Wyatt to prepare some specialties so that we can bring them over.”

It was an excellent way to change the topic.

Yaala looked at Henry's back as she chuckled in disdain. Ha! Such a timid man!

When the Jackson family arrived at Zen Highlands that night, Damian walked out of the kitchen.

Everyone could tell that he was preparing the dinner.

Feeling startled, Wrenna asked, “Damian, what are you doing?”

Hearing her question, Clarissa answered on Damian's behalf with a smile, “Well, he's learning to cook so that he can please the girl he likes!”

It was apparent that her words implied something more.

Wrenna smiled and made a funny face at Henry. Hmph! I don't want to care about you! You deserve it because you interfere with my freedom!

Chapter 499 1


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