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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 500

Damian returned with the dishes, and upon noticing the knowing look and smile on Clarissa's face, he felt embarrassed for some inexplicable reason.

Flirting with a girl in front of my mother is just as awkward as when she walked in on me watching adult movies during my student days.

Of course, he had never experienced that before. It was just an example.

When Damian recalled how his classmate had described the awkwardness, he immediately felt that it was the same feeling he was experiencing at the present moment.

However, he had always been a calm and composed person. Moreover, he was the CEO of Tyson Corporation already. He would not blush in embarrassment like a student.

Damian regained his composure as though nothing had happened.


Clarissa did not care about looking after Damian's pride and let out a loud snicker.

Lowering his head, Damian tried to make himself look busy, though he did not know what else he could do other than place the dishes on the table.

Still, upon hearing Clarissa's laughter, Damian felt his face turn increasingly red.

“Mom, I'm going out,” he declared as he hastily placed down the dishes in his hands and hurried away.

Clarissa could not help but chuckle and shook her head in amusement. Stretching her head out to look outside the kitchen, she waved Matthew over.

“Matthew, come and help!”

Since my son has left, I should ask my husband to help.

However, Jenny swiftly walked over and suggested, “Mrs. Tyson, you should spend some time with Mr. Tyson. Leave the rest to me.”

Clarissa smiled. “I'll boil this soup first and leave later.”

Soon, Matthew walked over, and Clarissa had already cleaned up the kitchen. In actual fact, she called him over to chat.

Sliding her arm through his, they stood outside the kitchen and watched everyone in the living room, who was either minding their own business or chatting with others.

Clarissa then whispered, “Tsk, tsk. You didn't see how Damian flirted with Wrenna just now. I didn't know he had such a flirty side underneath his cold demeanor. What a little flirt.”

“Is there a big flirt?”

The moment Matthew asked the question, he felt like he had spoken too much.

Clarissa laughed even harder and leaned on Matthew.

“Isn't that you?” she laughed and said pointedly.

Matthew's expression remained unfazed, as if he had already expected her to say that.

This woman has been having fun teasing her husband and son recently.

“Haha! When Damian was young, I thought that he was not like you. I thought he was an optimistic and obedient kid like me.”

Matthew looked at her skeptically when he heard her words.

He must be mocking me in his mind. Staring at the man, she questioned, “Am I wrong?”

Smiling, Matthew replied, “No, not at all. Please continue.”

Letting out a satisfied hum, Clarissa continued, “Of course, nothing's wrong. Let me continue. Damian was an optimistic and obedient kid when he was young, but he became less like me as he grew up. Instead, he became more like you—silent, aloof, frigid, and boring. He even keeps everything to himself. However, I think that was because he hadn't met a girl he truly liked. Now that he has met her, he was so smooth when he teased Wrenna just now.”

Clarissa poked Matthew's elbow coyly and continued, “However, that's not the main point. I think Damian can surely get back together with Wrenna. I'm not worried at all. The main point is that I actually remember how you treated me back then. I miss those times. Hubby, you were the most attractive when you flirted with me back then.”

Recalling what Matthew was like back then, Clarissa remembered how head over heels she was for him.

However, she resisted his advances at that time. Now, they had been married for many years already, so it was all right to praise her husband and admit how much she was mesmerized by him back then.

Upon hearing Clarissa's confession, Matthew was utterly contented.

Smiling, he lowered his head to look at her gorgeous face. He then pinched her chin and chuckled.

“Am I not attractive now?”

Clarissa stared at Matthew's face solemnly. Although he was starting to grow some white hair, he was still handsome and energetic compared to other men of his age.

“Haha, you are still a handsome old man.”

“You can remove the word 'old.'“

“You are an old man. Why are you trying to deny that? There is no way you can escape your age. But your figure is still great. Continue exercising, and even though you're an old man, you will look the youngest among the rest. Don't worry. I'll still be deeply attracted to such a handsome old man like you. I'll definitely not stare at other old men.”

Matthew placed his arm on her shoulders and lowered his head to kiss the corner of Clarissa's mouth.

Immediately, she pushed Matthew away, slightly embarrassed.

How can he kiss me in front of so many people? Clarissa glared at him huffingly, but Matthew only laughed.

“I'm also helplessly attracted to you.”

Clarissa did not respond to that, but the corners of her mouth twitched as she tried to hold in her laughter. She was undoubtedly delighted to hear those words.

Chapter 500 1


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