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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 498

Wrenna stayed at her parent's place for a week. During this time, Damian called her every single day.

Every time they talked on the phone, Wrenna had to hide in a corner.

Although she didn't mean to sneak around, she still felt like it would be too troublesome if her dad found out.

Hence, she had no choice but to talk to Damian in secret.

Over the past few days, Damian seemed to have a lot to say to her. Even though some of them were pointless or boring, he would still tell her.

For example, he would tell her if he drank more than usual that day. Or how he was starting to feel less respected at home...

Damian's attitude was obvious.

Sometimes, when he was tipsy, he would flirt with her more.

“Wrenna, I've missed you. If you were here, I would hug and kiss you. All the people at my dinner had their girlfriends with them. I was the only one alone. I missed you even more because of that...”

From his tone, he sounded tipsy, so Wrenna just assumed he was saying all that because he was drunk.

“Damian, you're drunk.”

“No, I'm not. I drank more than usual, but I'm not drunk.”

He meant every word he said.

However, Wrenna never gave much of a response. She chose to play dumb.

“That's exactly what a drunk person would say. Damian, you should go rest.”

Wrenna heard Damian sigh through the phone.

She did not respond to that. Instead, she continued to urge him to sleep soon.

Once again, Damian felt defeated. He could only treat her continuous ignorance as a test.

To be fair, Wrenna had liked him for years. In comparison, he had only been pursuing her for half a year. If he were Wrenna, he wouldn't make it so easy for himself either.

Therefore, he soon returned to his usual cheery self. “Okay, Wren. I'll listen to you and go rest now. When are you coming back? I'll come and pick you up.”

“No need for that. If Dad found out, he would never let you pick me up.”

“I can just go and see you in secret...”

Wrenna could not help but smirk. She never knew Damian was so clingy.

If this were to happen in the past, she would be overjoyed.

In her heart, she shook her head silently. All she could say was meeting the wrong person at the wrong time.

“There's really no need for that. Anyway, it's getting late. Rest up.”

Wrenna did not wait for Damian to reply. Instead, she hung up directly. At that moment, she didn't seem to want to hear what he had to say.

On the other end of the line, Damian could sense that something was off. A complicated feeling arose in his heart.

Walking out of her room, Wrenna saw her mother flipping through a magazine. When it came to the latest trends, Yaala was always updated.

Wrenna sat down beside her. She then leaned her head on Yaala's shoulder. It looked as though she was a little girl in need of her mother's comfort.

Yaala did not look over at her. Casually, she asked, “Done with your call so soon? Are you upset?”

Wrenna knew that nothing could escape her mother's eyes.

Yaala might seem to only focus on having fun and indulging in beauty and fitness, but in fact, she knew everything. Somehow it seemed like she had everything in control within the palm of her hands.

“Mom, how can you tell?”

“You're my daughter. How can I not know?”

“I thought you never paid attention to what I did. I mean, Damian and I call every single day, but you've never asked me.”

“Would you be happier if I questioned you like your father did?”

Wrenna pouted her mouth as she was at a loss for words.

“So, why are you upset?” Yaala finally asked.

Wrenna thought it through and kept silent for a while. Then, she said, “Why didn't he like me last time? Now, we're already divorced. I don't understand what he wants.”

“Do you really not know what his intentions are?”

At this point, everyone already knew what Damian was trying to do.

Yet, Wrenna was still trying to act innocent.

“I... I think I just don't want to know.”

“Then, just pretend you don't know. It doesn't really matter, right? You can give him an answer whenever you want, or you can choose to reject him outright. In fact, you can feel however you want to feel and do whatever you want to do. No one can force you to do something you don't want to.”

“Oh. What if I just keep playing dumb and not give him any response?”

Chapter 498 1


Chapter 498 2

Wait a second. Why does all that sound so familiar? As he listened to the conversation longer, he felt chills run down his spine.


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