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Instant Millionaire novel Chapter 35

While Anne Poole was still in a state of suspicion, Jane Dulce introduced Quincy Lane to her.

“Hi, I’m Jane’s friend, Quincy,” Quincy greeted Anne politely.

“Hi, Jane and I were from the same village,” to be frank, Anne disliked talking to Quincy, but she had not found out about his background. If Quincy were really born with a silver spoon, she would surely have regretted.

“Quincy, what business does your family run?” Anne asked with a smiling face. She wanted to find out more about Quincy’s background quickly.

When Quincy was thinking of what to reply, some unpleasant voice was heard.

“Anne, you don’t have to talk with this kind of loser. You’re just wasting your time,” a smartly dressed man with a golden necklace on his neck walked towards Anne. He hugged Anne’s waist instinctively and patted her butt twice.

Looking at the man, Quincy squeezed his eyes. He was none other than the wealthiest guy in their class, Yair Ivan. During Amani Baber’s live show, he was severely humiliated by Quincy using the account named “Excellency”.

“Darling, why are you so late? I have been waiting for ages!” Anne said with affection. She then looked at Quincy and asked Yair, “Darling, do you remember this classmate?”

“Of course, he is the one that I always mentioned, the poorest guy in our class. Not only in our class, but he is also notorious in the whole academy!”

“Ah, is he the one with only four to five hundred monthly expenses? Except for studying, he spent his remaining time having a part-time job in the canteen or the convenience shop. No matter how dirty and smelly the job is, he still works. Is that him?” After saying that, Anne laughed, she patted her laughing belly and pointed at Quincy, “Look at his dressing, I will believe if you say that he begs on the streets!”

“Anne, you’re right, I hear that this dude even goes begging in town recently. As a university graduate How can he humiliate himself by begging? Such an inferior guy,” Yair said with sarcasm.

“But he buys clothes for Jane at Beauties today. Darling, when will you bring me there to buy clothes too?”

“Such a poor dude who even has the problem of feeding himself can buy clothes at Beauties?” Yair did not believe, but Jane was indeed holding a shopping bag from the Beauties. He then mocked, “It is a fact that this dude is poor, there is only one possibility that he has money to buy clothes from the Beauties now. His money must have come from an immoral source! He must be stealing or robbing. Oh, his money could have come from begging!”

“Quincy, are you a fool? Although you had difficulties to feed yourself, you still want to pursue a girl. How thirsty are you?” Yair laughed sinisterly.

“I see!” Anne realized. She was delighted at the moment.

“Jane, have you heard of my boyfriend’s words? Your so-called ‘boyfriend’ buys clothes for you with the money he steals. It’s not his money at all! Why do you want to have this kind of man as your boyfriend? Probably when he is tired of you in the future, he will sell you away!”

Anne said insidiously. Although she was in the same secondary school as Jane, they only got to know each other better in university. If they had not come from the same hometown, Anne did not want to bother about Jane at all.

Usually, Anne would be the upper one in front of Jane. However, Jane wore clothes that were more expensive than hers that day, so she felt jealous. She wanted to grab this opportunity to jeer at Jane. She even enjoyed the moment to scold Jane.

“Jane, I know your family background is not good. I can understand your pressing desire to change your family status, but you have to be smart in choosing a boyfriend. Don’t be a fool all the time. He is a loser, but you still treat him preciously! It’s so funny!”

“It is the truth that poor people should study hard. There’s no such thing that you can become rich just by relying on wealthy people!”

“Don’t wear the Beauties’ clothes if you’re poor. You should wear cheap goods; they belong to you. Why do you behave so vain? The more expensive dress you want to wear, the cheaper you are…”

Jane had heard of more offensive words than these for many years. She could have borne with unpleasant words alone. However, Anne scolded Quincy as well. Jane could not accept it.

Jane was flushed. She usually would not scold people. But for that moment, Anne was sharp-tongued. Jane wanted to retort but could not intercept Anne. Even if she could intercept, she did not know how to retort.

Quincy, who sat beside could not tolerate anymore. He was ready to teach Anne and Yair a lesson. Just then, loud music was played in the lobby.

After that, colourful lights were shone around the lobby. The host with a formal attire started to say welcoming words on the stage, “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Everybody must have already known why we attend this conference today. You’re right. It is to celebrate the success of the donation campaign of our school in helping the poverty-stricken village. Of course, in today’s conference, we would like to pay tribute to each and every donor to commend their kindness…”

It was going to a tribute-paying section. Quincy thought in heart; he did not know whether his name would be called out. He simply donated 130 thousand yuan last time; this amount of money was nothing for him.

The leaders were invited to give a talk accordingly. After a few performances, it came to the highlight of the day.

“Next, we will pay tribute to every donor. Now, I will give an account of the donation status to everyone. During this donation campaign, we have received 56.1 thousand yuan. There are 89 people who donate above one thousand yuan, 37 people who donate above two thousand yuan, 12 people who donate above five thousand yuan, and five people who donate above ten thousand yuan…”

After listening to the host, loud applause and cheers were coming from the audience. It was getting louder and louder!


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