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Instant Millionaire novel Chapter 36

It was said that students who donated 1,000 Yuan or more get to give a speech on the stage, however everyone did not seem excited as the purpose of their donations were to help the children from the village community and not for the fame.

After the host finished giving the speech, a few students went up to the stage to give a quick speech while the rest did not move and started praising that only student who donated up to 100,000 Yuan as if it was planned.

Yair Ivan, who took the initiative to go up the stage and said, "… Today, I would like to criticize some people who only donates 1 Yuan and still can feel proud as if he has done such a big contribution towards the children from the village community… Therefore, we should all learn from that only student who donates up to 100,000 Yuan not only because of his wealth but also his high level of morality. I, myself only donate 2,200 Yuan and should feel ashamed of myself. If there is a chance, perhaps I would like to express my gratitude towards him personally later.”

Yair was thinking if that person could donate up to100,000 Yuan, he is absolutely an extraordinary person! So, he purposely praised him on the stage so that it would be easier to flatter when he meets with that person.

While Yair was giving away his speech, Quincy Lane felt butterflies in the stomach as he felt lucky that he did not mention anything about himself when he made the donation. Or else, he would have left the venue immediately if he was asked to go up to the stage to give a speech.

After Yair finished his speech, he walked down from the stage.

The audience were influenced by his speech and started gossiping about that unknown person who donated only 1 Yuan, while praising another person who donated 100,000 Yuan up more.

"Wow! Who donates only 1 Yuan?! How embarrassing is that?”

"Can someone tell me who is he? I feel like slapping on his face!”

"Oh, How I wish to meet that person who donates 100,000 Yuan, he must be very handsome!”


While everyone was having the discussion, Yair laughed and said, "Quincy, did you hear that? Everyone is gossiping about you, you piece of shit!”

Since no one else went up to the stage, the host quickly went up to continue the following program of the event.

"Okay, let us continue with our next group photo session, due to the space limitation of the stage, we can only invite up to 30 persons for the group photo. To those who donated but not invited to the stage, please pardon me, and I shall continue to announce the name-list on my hand right now…”

"Alexandra Ross, donates 2200 Yuan”

"Mr. Yair Ivan, donates 2200 Yuan”

"Efrain Montoya, donates 2250 Yuan”


"Dear, it’s your turn!" Anne Poole reminded Yair with excitement while pulling his arm vigorously.

"I would like to join the group photo session, would you like to go up with me, dear?” she asked.

Anne hoped to get a piece of group photo as she would like to show it to her class committees so that she would get extra scores, in the meantime, she would stand a better chance on scholarship evaluation at the end of the school semester. Besides, she could proudly post it online to show off to her friends.

"Why not? I’ll just tell them right now, let’s go!" Yair held her arms and moved up to the stage.

"Excuse me, we do not have space anymore, please do not bring another person up to the stage, please understand" the girl with glasses who was maintaining the order stopped Anne.

"Hello, please understand. If you don’t say anything, no one knows" Anne replied her in a soft and polite tone, however it was rejected immediately.

"Let go of me! Who are you to stop me?!" Yair pushed that girl away and pulled Anne back up to the stage.

"What a rude and inconsiderate manner! Oh, what a miracle that even this kind of person would make donation for the poor!" the girl with glasses muttered angrily.

At this moment, the whole atmosphere was pushed to the climax! The host proudly announced the top 3 donors.

"Please allow us to invite the 3rd highest donor, Mr. Jordan Farmer who donates 15,000 Yuan!”

The ladies on the stage below were feeling excited while looking at Jordan walking up the stage and hugging the people around him.

"Next, please allow us to invite the 2nd highest donor, Mr. Wade Burgess who donates 18,000 Yuan!”

Wade walked up to the stage.

"Wade! Wade! We love you! We really do!”

"Wade donates, everything is great!”

For the sake of getting his attention, the ladies on the stage below were shouting and screaming at the top of their lungs as if they were in the international concert.

Meanwhile, everyone was actually looking forward to the 1st highest donor who donates up to 100,000 Yuan.

"Last but not least, please allow us to welcome the 1st highest donor of the event! His donation is 130,000 Yuan!”

The hall felt like being blown up, some were spooked, some were trembled while the rest of the audience stood up and started to look for the donor.

130,000 Yuan, most of the students’ parents would never earn this much of money annually.

When Anne heard the shocking announcement from the host, her heart felt uproar and thinking if only she knew that rich student, and if only he had interest on her , she would have just dumped Yair right away.

Everyone was looking for that student, unfortunately no one stood up and everyone felt anxiously changing their attention back to the host so that he could announce the name of that student.

"To be honest, on that day when he made the donation of 130,000 Yuan, he did not bother to mention his name and left..." the host explained.


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