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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 522

Dakota however, wears his emotions on his sleeve. “You said you were glad you met the Rogue King and couldn’t wait to get back to him.” He looks so sad and distraught. He scrubbed his hands over his face. “Obviously Nathaniel has showed us the videos, with sound and you said nothing like that but that was probably the worst kind of torture ever, Smalls.”

They all just go quiet. “Was that it?! Seriously? The conversation was so much longer than that. I told you with my brand I can’t lie to Alpha Reggie, I showed the scars on my back, the ones Kaley gave me. You all just stood there.”

“Tiny, you said you were disappointed to be associated with this pack, that helping us was bullsh*t and you were only assigned here because you’re from here. You said you never wanted to come back, that you were better off being as far away as possible.”

Well that helps explain their behavior in the office that night. “What about out on the porch when Kaley and Kevin were talking to us. Kaley outright called me a traitor, she knew I was questioned. I didn’t even think about that until just now. I know there was some kind of magic on the packhouse itself, I could actually see it. Oliver, I think you saw it too.”

Oliver just nods his head. “I saw her talking to you, I wasn’t in earshot though. Then you got pissed and your eyes flashed and they were down on their knees. You told them they chose the wrong enemy.”

“I did tell them that. Kevin tried to tell me I wasn’t welcome in their pack and I should know how to treat a future Luna.”

I chanced a look at the twins. Trying to gauge their reactions.

“Her and this Luna sh*t. She has been going on about being our Luna since the sixth grade. We didn’t even care then.” Dakota is pacing now, frustrated.

“You know her dad told us before we left the summer after eighth grade that he would be alright if we wanted to sleep with her. Said she would be up for anything we wanted. I knew it wasn’t right at the time, but we were leaving and then I forgot about it, but he was basically wh*ring her out to us, I’m sure hoping we’d get her pregnant.” He shivered

“You did sleep with her though, didn’t you? I mean I guess I shouldn’t put much stock in rumors, but that would be one I would believe.”

“Once, we have only ever been with her once. And no we didn’t take her together. We were both too drunk for that kind of coordination.” Cam doesn’t look at me.

“I remember Oliver mentioning the tequila.”

“Yep, and we haven’t had it since. I vaguely remember it. Enough to know I did, but that was it.”

“Yeah, I really don’t need any of those details.”


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