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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 111

Chapter 0111

The medical team came to check on all of us and bring more water and food. Once everyone is cleared. We are all brought back to the sparring side of the arena and allowed to sit while we listen for instructions for tomorrow. I sit with my team and lose track of how many protein bars I smash as Nickolas talks, I'm so hungry. We have to be back again at 10am. That is the only information we really got, that and "

everyone did well today.’ Whatever the hell that is supposed to mean.

I move to get up to go find the guys and get real food.

“I thought they were going to do cuts today.” Jeff mutters out.

‘‘Me too.” Wyatt says, looking around.

“Maybe they will still announce that later or individually.” Lilian shrugs.

“Or maybe anyone who didn’t make it to the capture the flag round is out.” I say. “There weren’t many in the game, but I’m not sure if that was an injury thing oracut thing. We’ll find out tomorrow. I need to go get food, before I pass out from starvation.” I wave to them as I turn and see my guys walking up to me, grinning from ear to ear.

I run straight at my brother and jump into his arms. "

You were incredible Shorty, I can’t believe you just did all that.” He puts me down and I go to hug Sam who is giggling.

“Of course you got Capture the Flag as a test. That jump was epic!"

“The flag in the bra thing, seems’ to be your go-to.

You’re going to have to change it up now or people are going to figure you out and start digging in your clothes.” Oliver teases me. I hugged him around the neck again. “...And I won’t be having any of that, you hear?” He whispers in my ear and I'm sure I am blushing again.


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