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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 112

Chapter 0112

“Yes!” I almost shout and I feel more than hear alow rumble behind me. I look over my shoulder with a scowl, I don’t know who it was, but this pissing match is stupid. “That would be great, we can set up in the media room.” I smile at her and start for the stairs.

“I'll send Xander up when I send food up. That should give you plenty of time to shower and change. That will give the boys time to put their protective cavemen away as well."


‘What Dakota?” Damn she used his whole name. "

You five have been acting crazy, she is not a tree for you to pee on every time another male your age comes around. Save that for your mate, Goddess help her.” And with that she went around the stairs, presumably to the kitchen to get us food ready.

I just laugh and head up the stairs not waiting for the guys who seem to be a little dumbstruck at what she said. Sierra followed me and we laughed all the way to my room.

‘You really did kick ass today girl. You should have seen how fast some of the other contenders went down. I get what Warrior Nickolas was talking about though. People want the best or want to be the best, but most of them haven’t put in the work and it’s a joke.” Sierra says as I come out of the bathroom, having showered in record time. I was afraid I would fall asleep if I stayed under the warm stream too long.

“You'll have to tell me more from the stands, it was so crazy on the field, I didn’t always know what was going on, and they just tapped us to point out our new target.” I told her my version of the whole training and she filled in the gaps from her vantage point from the stands as I got dressed and we settled on my bed.


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