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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 124

Chapter 0124

“What, why?” His smile falls and he almost looks like Sam pouting.

“That smile is going to knock her on her ass. I take that back, you are going to be in trouble when you find your mate. She is going to lock you up after you throw that smile her way. I thought you were good looking before, but that smile is a whole other level.

She's screwed.” I laugh again as his grin lights up his whole moody face and he tries to fight it.

I take a look around to make sure no one, mainly Kaley, is looking when I go to punch in the code on the third floor door. Once Oliver makes sure it is secured behind us we head up.

“Knock it off, Bite Size, or my ego won’t fit through the door.” He shoves me in the shoulder with his elbow.

“I'm serious though. I mean you’re hot just as your broody silent self, but that smile could probably get you anything you wanted. You should try it on Luna Ava and see what happens.” I laugh out loud this time as we make it to my door. “Thank you for seeing me safely to my door Oliver, you have done a fabulous job of watching out for me, I hope your wolf calms a bit."

I leaned in to give him a tight hug around the waist. "

You are a great friend and big brother.” I rest my cheek on his chest.

He squeezed me back, ‘Thanks Sky, that means a lot.

Night.” He let me go and stepped back waiting for me to close the door I guess.

“Night.” I close my door and barely get changed and fall into my bed before I am fast asleep.

I woke up to the bright sun streaming through my window and sweating my ass off. What is going on? I try to roll over but there is a weight behind me. I shift forward and that is definitely not a pillow in front of me. I crack my eyes open more to adjust to the light and take a deep breath. Citrus and Cinnamon overwhelm my senses. I move to sit up, I really need to go to the bathroom and my legs are completely entwined, I wiggle alittle more. I “Tiny, I thought we talked about this, you do not want to move like that in the morning. Go back to sleep, you have earned a sleep in day.” Cam mumbles in front of me.


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