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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 125

Chapter 0125

What in the hell is going on? Why are all my friends in my room? This cannot be comfortable and I don’t smell alcohol on them, so! don’t think it is a drunken thing, but who knows. I’m too wide awake now to try and wiggle my way between the twins, so I grab Cam's sweatshirt from the floor and head down to see what’s for breakfast.

As I head out I notice the doors to all the rooms on our floor are closed, even the media room. Weird.

The guys never close them unless they are in there. I head down to the second floor and all the guest rooms are closed as well, but I figure there are probably still visiting warriors here. I keep heading down towards the first floor intent on hitting the kitchen and checking in with Luna Ava about the sleeping arrangements. I didn’t eat as much as I should have yesterday after the trials. I was too busy talking to everyone.

As soon as I hit the landing, I’m stopped by a warrior.

“We are still on lockdown, you need to return to your room.” I recognize this guy as one of the warriors from the final phase of trials. He’s a big guy, bigger than the Alpha King, my neck hurts from having to look up at him, and I am three steps above him.

“I don’t understand, I just came down for breakfast, what happened?” I don’t move from my spot, my curiosity getting the better of me.

“We are still on lockdown, you need to return to your room.” He repeats.

“Can you tell me when we went on lockdown? I went to bed early last night. The party was still going on when I went up to my room."

“You live here? You’re not a guest we detained?” He looks at me with his eyebrow raised.

‘Yes, I live on the third floor.” He wants to give me vague answers, I will do the same. I cross my arms, not really to be intimidating, but more standing my ground. I wasn’t going to be intimidated. “Is anyone else awake? Can I talk to Luna Ava or Alpha Lucas? I don't want to mindlink them if they are sleeping"


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